
Slavery in the Nineteenth Century: Viewpoint of the Antislavery and Abolotionist Movements

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In the nineteenth century, slavery was a very controversial issue with a variety of viewpoints and beliefs on the measures that should be taken to terminate it. In the early 1800s the antislavery approach was vastly different from the one that continued after 1830. Antislavery began with the aim of recolonizing the African American slaves back in their homelands, this slowly lost its effectiveness and evolved into the abolitionist movement which was contributed to by various reputable individuals who worked towards the abolishment of slavery; this later arouse a powerful and violent war against slavery which effectively showed that the measures taken after 1830 were of a much greater influence than the ones in the early nineteenth …show more content…

The aims of antislavery prior to 1830 were unattained, however they left an open pathway leading to a different approach against slavery that was far more influential on America. In the 1830s came along the abolitionist movement which was greatly influenced by William Lloyd Garrison and Fredrick Douglas. The one who picked up right after the failure of colonization in 1831, was William Lloyd Garrison. He viewed slavery from the black man’s prospective and abided by the philosophy that society should be more conscious about the one really being affected by slavery, which was the black man, not the white slave owner. This is very distinct from the previous antislavery approach, since he opposed the colonization of slaves elsewhere due to its intentions of freeing the country of African Americans. He believed that they should instead free the African American slaves in the country and provide equal American citizenship rights to all of them. His course of action involved the publishing of his newspaper the Liberator, in which he stated his antislavery argument and attained the following of many individuals with shared beliefs. This lead to the creation of the American Antislavery Society in 1832, giving much strength and unity to all those who opposed slavery. Another great abolitionist was the reputable Fredrick Douglas, a former slave who

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