
Sleep And Non Rem Sleep Disorders

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Parasomnias is a variety is sleep disorders that cause abnormal behavior in brain activity. Para means “faulty”, and the Latin origin of somnia, “somnus” means “sleep” (source 5). About 1% to 10% of the population experiences those sleeping disorders, most of which are children. This sleeping disorder usually occurs during the transition from one sleeping stage to another; the two sleeping stages include Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep (source 4). Those that have parasomnias, especially children, may experience many things that include somnambulism (sleepwalking), somniloquy (sleep talking), pavor nocturmus (night terrors), and sleep enuresis (bed wetting); however, some can be extreme and can …show more content…

Non-REM Sleep Disorders
Arousal Disorders Confusional arousals usually occur in the first half of the sleeping cycle (source 1). They are characterized by the sudden awakening during the night with feelings of disorientation and extreme confusion. Some, especially adults, may display violent or improper acts, while those that experience them the most, children, usually begin to cry (source 3). These arousals are also called sleep drunkenness because those that experience these symptoms don’t remember what they have done after waking up. The motor behavior is affected for those with this disorder; it is often regarded as normal, simple behavior. Sometimes, however, those experiencing the arousal disorder could become aggressive and sexually active without knowing it. This sexual behavior is often referred to as sexsomnia. This disorder is prevalent amongst children younger than the age of 13, and it begins to decrease as the age increases (source 2). Episodes could last up to 45 minutes (source 5), and attempts to wake up those that are experiencing an episode could actually increase the parasomnia effects (source 4); arousals could be influenced by the lack of sleep, medications that include tranquilizers and antidepressants, and infections of the body. Family history and genetic factors, in addition, could play a major part in causing the

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