There are many sleep stages people go through when resting. The first sleep stage is the theta waves, also known as light sleeping. In this stage theta waves are increasing as the alpha waves fade out to put you into light sleep. If awaken from this stage most people are unaware they were actually beginning to sleep. Secondly you move on into the second stage, which is the sleep spindles. In this stage your temperature drops, heart rate slows, and your breathing becomes flat and irregular. Sleep spindles show up on paper as quick bursts of activity in the brain that last only a few seconds. During this sleep if you are awaken you will notice you were actually asleep. Next you have sleep stage three where the delta waves come in. Delta waves are the largest and slowest waves of them all; when a person hits this stage they are in the deepest stage of sleep. Lastly REM sleep is the final stage of sleeping. During this stage the body with go back through stage three and then through stage two to increase the body’s temperature. The eyes …show more content…
Depending on your age you will require certain amounts of sleep. The younger you are the more sleep you need; the older you are the less sleep you need. When you’re young sleeping is what aids your body in growing, revamping, and helps you be able to generally function when awake. For example, being pulled out of your sleep by your college roommate getting ready for their day by blow drying their hair or being generally loud brings negative affects to you. It decreases your memory, the ability to learn, it can cause future accidents, and it will affect your mental and physical health in the long run. The effect on your mental and physical health can be dangerous and result in things such as: heart attacks, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, and irregular heartbeat. So getting a good night’s rest is more important than people
Sleep is important for our health and well-being. Extensive research has been done on the effects of sleep. These studies consistently show that sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being. This explains why, after a good night's sleep, we feel better, our thoughts are clearer, and our emotions are less fragile. Without adequate sleep our judgment, mood, and ability to learn and retain information are weakened.
24 hours without sleep makes people's mind go to a state as if they were legally drunk. This is why middle school start times should be later, because sleep deprivation leads to serious consequences for academic achievement, more sleep makes athletes perform better and get injured less, and not getting enough sleep can effect your physical and mental health, perhaps permanently. While the opposing side says that it is preparing kids for the real world, it really is just making them grow up too soon.
First there are many serious risks of being sleep deprived. Since so many teenagers are dealing with stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep, if they do this for too long it can have a major affect on their health. The third leading cause of death between the ages of fifteen to twenty-four is suicide. Dealing with sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for having suicidal thoughts, whether or not the teen is depressed. Sleep is food for the brain, without it, it can take a major toll on people. Studies have shown that those who go to bed late do worse in school, and experience a harder time controlling their emotions. Lack of sleep can also affect teens in the long run; causing them to have a higher risk of obesity and diabetes. Sleep deprivation is very harmful to teens, their body needs sleep to function properly, without it, it can damage certain things. Dr. Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist and sleep specialist, said “[Sleep deprivation] is extremely detrimental at all stages of life, In the teen years, when development continues the sleep deprivation effects of brain and body development are significant,” (Breus). This shows just how important sleep is for someone. Having a goods night rest helps their minds, making everything easier, and helps them develop properly.
While awake, beta waves are active in the brain. The first stage is known as REM. This is where rapid eye movement occurs. As well, dreams typically occur here. As you begin to fall asleep these beta waves become less prevalent and theta waves start to develop. This occurs in the early stages of sleep. Furthermore, this stage is known as N1 which is a light sleep that usually occurs for about five minutes. During this time body temperature drops and shallow, irregular breathing occurs. The next stage is known as N2. An EEG would show sleep spindles at this point. As time goes on the brain will begin to produce delta waves. These waves are long and slow. They occur in the deepest stages of sleep known as N3. This stage is also responsible for growth hormones being released in the pituitary gland. After N3 the body will begin to wake up on its own. The body will return to it's REM stage where body temperature increases and eyes have movement.
Sleep is an important part of life, which has a broad effect on your quality of your life. If you are not able to get enough sleep some common effects are looking bad, feeling moody which might lead to fights or arguments with others, and performing poorly at school or just generally in life. An example could be while driving, if you’re sleepy you’re more prone to get into a crash, which of course isn’t good. Some other effects of lack of sleep are being more prone to injury, sickness, stress, acne and gaining weight. Furthermore, you might develop sleeping disorders, such as narcolepsy, insomnia or sleep apnea. Altogether, sleep is essential
Sleep is a beautiful thing, but people do not get enough of it. It is a time for the body to rejuvenate and process the events of the day. Sleeping is something that we seek out. Getting the recommended amount of sleep allows our body to function properly the next day. Without it, there could be detrimental consequences. The National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke says that without sleep, neurons could be “polluted with byproducts”. In severe cases, people who get very little sleep often experience mood swings, hallucinations and cells do not continue to reproduce.
It is recommended to get a good night’s sleep so that you are not tired the next day, sometimes even irritable. Losing sleep on a regular basis can lead to sleep deprivation which then can lead to anxiety, maybe even depression. Teenagers are recommended to get at least eight to ten hours of sleep at night to function better the next day. It is important for students to make sure they get the amount of sleep they know they
In the article, "Sleep and Disease Risk"(2007), "If you are not getting enough sleep at night, it could put you at a high risk for a heart disease, strokes, or high blood pressure. People can also gain weight, have a weakened immunity and poor balance." Your body needs sleep, it is a necessity for life just like water is. An example of a health problem that is most common among young adults is Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is among leading sleeping diseases that is an effect from not receiving the right amount of sleep each night.
1. Many never pay attention and really don’t see how important it is to get enough sleep and the proper hours. Although exercise and nutrition are essential for having health and happiness, sleep is also very important. Not getting the correct amount of sleep directly affects mental sharpness, productivity, emotional balance, creativity, physical vitality, and managing weight.
My favourite thing to do is sleep, I think most of us will agree with me but why is sleeping so wonderful and why do we love to sleep? What does our body go through when we close our eyes and start to go through the stages of sleep? Why do we need sleep? Scientists have many theories to this different stages of sleep and why we dream or why we need sleep in general. Some theory that they have been coming up with such as, “The repair and restoration theory.” This theory states that our brain and body need to rest from time to time or sleeping is very necessary for restoring the physiological processes which helps keeping our body and mind healthy and making it function properly. Scientist with this theory suggest that NREM (Non-rapid eye movement)
Why is sleep so important to us? There have been studies done that suggest that sleep deprivation can be detrimental to or decrease the function of our immune systems. Just think, how often was it that after many days of continual sleep deprivation did you start to think that you had a cold? Sleep deprivation can also result in a decrease in core body temperature, decrease in the release of growth hormone, and possible cause an increase in heart rate variability. Sleep also seems to be important in order for our nervous system to work properly. Without sufficient amount of sleep, our behavior and our ability to do things are impaired. We feel drowsy and are unable to concentrate after not getting enough sleep. With enough sleep deprivation, it has been found that some begin to hallucinate and develop mood swings. Higher-ordered cognitive task become more difficult to do where it has been shown that tests that require speed and accuracy have lower results compared to those that are not sleep deprived. Judgment is also impaired; it has been tested that riskier behavior is more likely to occur when sleep deprived. (2).This is part of the reason why you should not drive when you are sleep deprived. Aside from the risk of falling asleep at the wheel, since judgment is
Most people joke around about how important sleep is and they say things like: “If I don’t sleep right now I might die!”. But many people don’t know how true that statement can be or how important sleep really is. The amount of sleep you get is important and how much sleep you need varies depending on your age. Even naps can help people that have unusual sleeping schedules. Sleeping and napping give you the energy you need to go through the day, but over sleeping or napping can make you even more tired than you were before. Sleeping and napping is a very important thing you need to do to be healthy, to have enough energy to go through the day, and help you be more focused throughout the day.
Sleep disorders alter ones sleep pattern and often results in the inability to either sleep or sleep soundly. They often cause you to feel restless, tired, fatigued, and irritable. It is estimated that nearly 75 percent of adult Americans experience sleep disorder symptoms at least a few nights per week. At the same time, sleep disturbances in some form are seen in as many as 25 to 30 percent of infants and children (“Sleep Disorders” 2013). Clearly a huge conundrum in the world, sleep disorders affect an inordinate amount of people. Millions of people suffer or have suffered from a sleep disorder at one point in their lives and if mistreated can impact organ systems functioning negatively. Physical disturbances, medical issues,
Sleep disorders have always surrounded me through family and friends. though I never suffered with any sort of sleeping disorder, I was well aware of how unnerving it can be toothless who suffer from it. I did not know all of the different types there were, and was intrigued when reading chapter three of my psychology book. I had assumed that nigh terrors, which I used to think were the same as nightmares, were over exaggerations of a person’s scary dream. Sleepwalking also held interesting facts that I didn’t know prior. Having a best friend who occasionally sleepwalks, I was always interested in why she would seldom remember both walking and talking. I also appreciated learning about sleep apnea because my father used to struggle with it and would worry my mom about his breathing when he was asleep.
Most people have at least stayed awake for the entire night once during their lifetime. This behavior is common amongst individuals enrolled in High School or pursuing University degree. One might wonder how lack of sleep for the night impact him/her. However, it has being proven that being awake for 24 hours has unpleasant effects on health.So why is sleep so important? How does lack of sleep impact one’s mood so significantly, causing people to be ‘grumpy’, isn 't sleep just people lying down in their bed and closing their eyes.sleep is a complex process, it is a natural process where body relaxes and repairs itself. Sleep takes places in 3 stages, 1-2 stage ,2-3 stage and REM (Rapid Eye Movement ) stage. Our body is like a battery, sleeping helps replenishes that energy, if one does not store enough energy for the next day the body will struggle to carry out simple tasks which can Aultimately lead to exhaustion. Sleep is the time when the human body gets a chance to rest. Personally suffering from sleep deprivation it has caused a lot of problems in my own life such as flying safely, concentrating on school work and working efficiently.