
Sleeping Apnea Essay

Decent Essays

The average adult is supposed to sleep for eight hours a night. How many hours of sleep does the average American get a night? Millions of Americans would answer less than eight hours. Sleep is beneficial to improving emotional and physical health. Many Americans think they are bad at falling asleep, when in reality they have a sleep disorder. Symptoms of a sleep disorder can range immensely for each disorder, but for most sleep disorders the most occurring symptom is fatigue (“Understanding”). Insomnia, or restless sleep disorder has one major symptom, fatigue, but other common symptoms could be difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. Sleep apnea symptoms include fatigue, snoring, and gasping for air while sleeping. Symptoms …show more content…

If they're excessively tired while driving they're more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and have much slower reflexes, which increases the chances of a car accident (“Driving”). Insomnia is less dangerous, compared to certain sleep disorders, and may just cause fatigue, and problems with concentration and memory (“What Is?”). Sleep apnea is potentially an extremely dangerous sleep disorder if left untreated (“Diseases”). Untreated sleep apnea could cause hypertension, a stroke, or even heart failure (“Diagnosing”). Narcolepsy can be dangerous in certain cases, like when it causes a person to unexpectedly fall asleep. Restless leg syndrome is much less dangerous, and may just restrict the patient from driving or sitting for long periods of time …show more content…

Many treatments for insomnia are nonpharmacological like, cognitive behavior therapy. Insomnia treatments can also be pharmacological, with many medications available to help manage insomnia symptoms (“Treating Insomnia”). Treatments for sleep apnea are much more complex, with treatments such as oral appliances, nasal resistors, continuous positive airway pressure, and oropharyngeal exercises. Many ranges of surgery are available to help people with sleep apnea also (“Treating Obstructive”). Certain medications could be used to help control narcolepsy. Lifestyle changes can also be done like, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and scheduling daily naps (“Narcolepsy” WebMD). General measures like reducing caffeine and alcohol intake can greatly help symptoms of restless leg syndrome (Foldvary-Schaefer 100) . Physicians can also treat patients with restless leg syndrome with one of four types of pharmacological medicines; dopaminergic, antiseizure, benzodiazepines, and opioids (Foldvary-Schaefer

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