
Smart Cities : Big Data, Civic Hackers, And The Quest For A New Utopia

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“We live in a world defined by urbanization and digital ubiquity, where mobile broadband connections outnumber fixed ones, machines dominate a new "internet of things," and more people live in cities than in the countryside.” –Anthony M. Townsend, “Smart Cities” Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia was written by Anthony M. Townsend who is an American researcher who specializes in research on the implications of technology on cities and public institutions. His book provides incredible historical context and finishes off with well-grounded perspectives and recommendations about the future of our cities. From start to finish he gives us the historical layout of “smart cities” and the many failures that have shaped the notions of how technology can improve the lives of urban dwellers. Anthony M. Townsend brings together trends and patterns in technology and cities, arguing for divergent futures based upon the path taken, while also describes corporate and government efforts that work against citizen-based action. He tells a story about how technology will change city planning and management. The concept of the book felt more as, corporations are making advances on planning smart cities, but do not surrender the entirety of the projects to them, make space for organic innovation and integration of the average citizen. For Townsend to make his argument he combines his own substantial experience in government and technology with interviews and

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