
Snowden Right To Privacy Essay

Decent Essays

In the recent year the debate over one’s Right to Privacy has been a very controversial topic. Many individuals argue that National Security triumphs the Right to Privacy, though many others also argue that many national policies such as “Stop and Frisk” and the Patriot Act are actually unconstitutional and unnecessary to protect the country. To elaborate further, both sides cite the Constitution to validate their arguments on the Right to Privacy. While it does not explicitly state in the Constitution, many of the individuals that support the Right to Privacy claim that the Right to Privacy is implied through various amendments such as the First Amendment which protects beliefs, the Third Amendment which protects privacy at home, the Fourth …show more content…

Snowden is famous for being an ex-CIA employee who leaked classified documents from the NSA regarding various surveillance programs, both domestic and foreign, starting a gigantic controversy that inevitably sparked the discussion of personal privacy and the state’s ability to investigate people they deem to be “potential terrorists”. Snowden has been either detested as a traitor and dissident by those who support the Government and value safety and security, to being hailed as a patriot and whistleblower by those who value privacy and see the government as encroaching on their rights. In my view, Snowden is all of these things. While it is great that he showed what detestable acts the government was committing, he also revealed secrets that have greatly crippled the ability to police for potential threats. While we should be able to keep certain parts of our lives away from prying eyes, the security of the nation triumphs that. While it was nice that Snowden leaked that the government was infringing on the rights of their people the amount of potential harm Snowden caused was not worth it. While there is no win-win situation I ultimately believe that Snowden is in the wrong. National security is very important, and we all need to be able to be safe and not have to fear any possible threats from foreign nations or terrorists. We should be willing to give up some rights and freedoms in the

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