
Soccer On The Go : Soccer

Decent Essays

Soccer on the Go… Soccer in the past from now has dramatically developed in technology from simplicity to complications in modern soccer. The complexity of soccer and the use of technology in the field has made it convenient for the players, spectators, referees and all those involved it. Soccer used to have drawbacks that caused disappointments upon fans and players and had their elation overthrown by a referee’s poorly-made decision. Although spectators are enraged by the wrong decision a referee had to make, it isn’t the referee to blame for having to decide on the inevitable characteristic of making a decision on a perspective or an assumption. Soccer technology has helped fans all over the world in keeping up with the matches by the …show more content…

It was all but good soccer broadcast for the poor audience in the past. The introduction of televisions has been a revolutionary turn of events for the fans looking to watch soccer regardless of where they are. Although people had problems with antennas and positioning it correctly so that their broadcast wouldn’t be interrupted. People got what they wanted but, it wasn’t long until the technology was starting to improve. Now-a-days, broadcast technology for soccer has reached its peak. Fans looking to get a professional’s perspective on how a team is set up and can do so instantly in high quality. Lineups, formations, skills of an individual player and how they contribute to the team is all discussed in a pregame setup. Commentators use high definition televisions to help support what their perspectives are and help the fan get an over view on what they had to say regarding a soccer club or a soccer player. They also have touch screens set up to point out specific players, help predict formations and lineups, and all possible outcome someone would want to know of. It is more of a norm these days, using high technology to start off a soccer match with a pregame which has helped fans and spectators know what the need to know of a specific soccer club or a soccer player. Technology has had a huge effect on soccer in recent years and have made it easier for match referees to know if a goal has been scored or not. A goal is counted

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