
Soccer Playing Memories : My Favorite Memories Of Soccer

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Soccer Tournament Memories
Almost a year ago I started my first day of high school, to some people that may seem like one of the least important days of their life, but for me it made me realize that it was going to be the last year I walk through those doors to attend class, and the last time I step out onto the soccer field with some of my closest friends. As I walked through the double doors that would officially start my last year at USA High School, I looked up and my entire graduating classes names were posted up on the wall, where soon our pennants of the colleges we were going to attend would hang. High school holds some of the happiest memories for some people, from times they were at Friday night football games with their best friends, or late-night adventures they went on, but for me it was being on the soccer team. Throughout my entire high school career, I was happiest when out on the field, playing against local schools with the people I have gotten so close to over the years. Although I never saw myself being one of those girls that are head over heels for a sport, I fell in love with soccer my sophomore year. Since I started soccer so late into my school career it gave me a reason to try my hardest at practices and during games. I wanted to become as good as the girls that have played their whole life. Soccer soon became a big part of my high school career, and because of this I spent hours after school either out on the field or running the

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