When I was an elementary school student, around 11 or 12, I once went out on the school field to play soccer with my friends, leaving my math academy’s homework behind. Soon, my mom found out and when I came back, she yelled at me, “Go back to your room and stop spending your time on soccer! It is not helpful or useful in your life!” Thinking about how soccer has affected me and given me positive changes, I can confidently say back to my mom, “Soccer is useful and it is my best friend.” And this is why: Soccer is a teacher. And it is a really good teacher. It teaches you countless life lessons that even school or internet can’t teach. It teaches you how to set goals and as well as those steps to achieve that goal. It also gives you a strong, healthy self-discipline and most importantly, it helps you how to cooperate and win as a team. Soccer helps you deal with stress. Opinions regarding how people deal and relieve their stress may vary; however, there are no other better ways than just simply playing soccer. Whether it is watching or playing soccer, it will just help you relieve your stress. According to healthyliving.azcentral.com, a site that provides useful information regarding people’s health, explains that soccer stimulates your body's production of neurotransmitters or brain chemicals a.k.a endorphins that eventually relieve around 75% of your stress. Once you put on your soccer cleats and step on the fresh grass with the soccer ball next to you, you see yourself
Learning the rules of the game will teaching performance concepts, this meets the cognitive domain.
I have been playing since I was about 3 or 4 and I have loved to play it my whole life. On a soccer team, you need to learn to respect your coach and obey his orders when they tell you to go into a position and you should never be disrespectful to them. You should never back talk them or just be blatantly rude because that is not why you came to practice, you came to learn and how to get better at soccer. On the team, you meet a lot of new people that you grow to like and ultimately become friends with them. You also learn how to play soccer and sportsmanship because those two things are very important in the game of soccer because if you don’t know how to play then you may be pointless and you need to be nice and sportsmanlike in a competitive game like soccer.
Ask anyone who knows me about my childhood, and they will tell you that I was one of the shyest kids there ever was. It made my life difficult, talking to people was a struggle, and presentations were disastrous. If it wasn't for soccer, I would probably still be that way today. Soccer has had the most positive influence on my life. It has taught me how to be a leader, the importance of teamwork, communication, and all of the other cliche skills that participating on any sport team will teach young adolescents. Even though these important values are learned from every sport, soccer has taught me much more.
Soccer is a very popular sport in many countries. Many people love to play and to watch the game. In the USA, many people struggle staying active, while also having fun. Soccer is a great way to solve that problem. It is a great sport that builds teamwork, is lots of fun, and is great exercise.
I am extremely grateful for this because soccer has impacted my life immensely. I can honestly say that soccer has pushed my life forward in a positive direction. It taught me how to be competitive, hard-working, and how to deal with people I necessarily didn't agree with or care for. That competitiveness that I first learned at the ripe age of four is something that has carried on into other aspects of my life including my education. I always want to have the highest grade in the class and if that’s not possible than the highest grade that I can get. This previously mentioned competitiveness on the field and in the classroom translates into hard work. Dealing with people I don't get along with isn't something that I am the best at, but I have been working on it. I am not always going to like my boss or coach, but I am not going to be able to change that. I can think of a few examples where I have gotten into an argument with someone who I definitely shouldn’t have been disrespecting and as I look back I feel foolish and that helps me deal with similar situations that I currently
Since 1863 when the first ever professional soccer game was played in London, soccer has become the most played and watched sport throughout the world. The game is played by two teams with eleven players on each side. Each team has a goalkeeper, who is the only player on the field able to use their hands. A game lasts ninety minutes with the objective of kicking the ball into the other team's net, and the winner is whoever scores the most goals. Although that is what most people think of when they hear soccer, soccer has a completely different meaning to me. To me, soccer is a sport that is played between my 10 best friends and I. We all are passionately playing because when we play, we play with our hearts not our feet. Soccer is something
Soccer is an amazing sport, where you play with a team, it´s intresting to watch and awesome to play. Soccer has been a sport where playing it is an easy thing. The game obviously has an estructure and lots of skills and techniques. It can be played at any place, but always with a flat surface. However, soccer is amazing because you make use of all your body and you develop a great physical condition.
As a child, I grew up playing softball and that 's it. My mom played softball, my cousins played softball. It’s just all I knew. When I reached the seventh grade at Gardner Dickinson (my elementary and middle school), my friends all played soccer and I reluctantly joined as well. Each year I had my ups and downs with soccer, but it grew to be a part of who I am and has taught me a lot of things. For example, to try new things, to work hard, to never give up, and to step up and be a leader.
Everyone has that one special thing. The thing that is comfortable and familiar. The thing that makes every problem, worry, and doubt go away. My thing is soccer. I cannot recall a time in my life where I didn’t have a ball at my feet. Soccer has been a major part of my life ever since I was born. From attending my first soccer game at the young age of one month, playing my first soccer game when I was two years old, and still playing to this day, it is safe to say that soccer has taken over my life.
If you play soccer, you have to practice in order to win, just like any other sport. When playing a game, you need to do moves that you have practiced, to get past the other teams defense and score a goal, and you also have to teach yourself mentally to think before you react. If you have the ball, you can’t just kick it randomly and hope to score, you have to think of your other teammates and work with them to get the ball up the field. Another part of soccer that is very critical is passing. You have to pass the ball and develop new techniques and ways to control how the game is played.
One reason that Soccer is an exciting hobby is because it’s fun and mostly everyone plays it. For example, all my family plays soccer so little by little it became part of our lives. This shows that
Soccer has been one of the most important things in my life. The sport has made me who I am and is the reason for my life's determination to make something of myself. Everything I can say I've accomplished in life has been through the amazing sport. I have played soccer since I was 4 years old and it's been such a huge part in my life. The games, the practices, the traveling, the teammates, the coaches. Everything since the first day of starting has been such huge motivation in my life. Soccer is the reason to keep pushing so hard through life's obstacles. I can go to the soccer field everyday and it will make my bad days good, and my good days better. Soccer has motivated me in life because I want to make something of myself through the sport, it motivates me to make my family proud by never giving up on my dreams.
In conclusion, those are the important assets of soccer. Soccer is a fun and educational activity. People say it’s easy because “it’s just kicking a ball back and forth” but it’s actually much more than that. Soccer is harder than it
A lot of people think that soccer is useless and no one should play it. They are wrong people should play it because it can help your body in so many ways and it can make you fearless. All the running helps your lungs expand. Also It helps your muscles and you might have to run at a kid twice as big as you or you could have to
The school required a test for admission, so the competition was getting fierce. The teachers focused a lot on our academics and tried to squeeze as much time as they can from us to study. As the result, we were not allowed to play soccer during our free time because it hinders us from studying. Maybe it is human tendency to break laws, but the gang of us didn’t want to conform to that rule so sneaking a soccer ball to school and keep it away from the teachers became an everyday challenge. It was amazing the kind of ideas we came up with for this task. Soccer added spices into my otherwise boring school life, and it served as a channel between me and my fellow classmates. Through soccer we found a common ground, that we were able to know each other more and support each other no matter what happens. It gave us a sense of unity, and it was very important to me. Even now I cherish the pact I had with them back then - the support that helped me to stay on the right track during my rebel teenage years.