In the reading by Reiner “A Journal of Social and Political Theory” in 2014, a quote a that summarized her whole meaning of what she calls ‘police fetishism’ referring to a popular ideology is “police are a functional prerequisite for social order so that without a police force chaos would ensue”. Communities rely on police for security and personal safety. Even sovereignty needs to ensure security, as capitalism and the wage system have relied on police power, publics also demand it and call on officers for direct threats to security and to negotiate those conflicts believed to weaken security. The majority of police activity is indeed directed toward responses to calls from citizens who request the presence of officers. Another reason I chose this quote is because without police, chaos would ensue. Who would individual call if they were being domestically abused, or to keep drugs off the streets, or guns, a murder? Most important thing …show more content…
McNulty reveals that he has noticed that D'Angelo's uncle Avon Barksdale and Stringer have been tied to many murders and tells Phelan that he believes they control West Baltimore's drug trade; McNulty complains that nobody is investigating their organization. Because no one is “investigating their organization” that neighborhood is ruled by superior gangs. Although the sovereignty ‘the judge” wanted to get in the detective way of enforcing the laws in a neighborhood that needs help, because police have power and ability to do, the focus was move into that neighborhood as they’re enforcing the laws there now. This is a great example of how vital police officers are to our communities and without them like Reiner mentioned “chaos would
while police can be very helpful when doing their job correctly, In Hardwoods article "to terrify and occupy" He persuades his audience with emotionally impacted and logical sources that america is no longer a free country.
An article in the Washington Post revealed that across the nation 963 people were shot and killed by police in 2016. This puts police in a losing situation. Not only have they lost the trust of many, but they are now portrayed as the enemy. A police officer’s duty is to protect the people and enforce the law. After the shootings, people don’t see them as protecting anyone, but instead harming the population. More than often now the perception is that they are the bad guys who take advantage of their power.
Richard Rosenfeld takes note to the rising crime statistics and relationship between the police and public, but also notes “It may also have to do with local factors specific to a particular city,”(Schuppe).
Within the article, “The Myth of Police Reform,” the author points out how police respond to a lot of problems in our society that should not require police intervention. This is clearly an explicit argument because the author states that, “Fear and compliance have their place, but it can’t be every place.” This editorial is meant for everyone because it brings up numerous examples of people being shot, chased, or arrested over issues that shouldn’t involve violence. It also gives examples including different ages, races, and gender. Most of these narrations end up with someone getting shot over a silly reason whether it is someone running around naked or some kid tripping on mushrooms. These examples help us infer that every problem cannot be handled by force. Some may disagree with this, but the police can make mistakes just like the rest of us. Honestly, this paper seems very one sided. As soon as he says something noble about the police, he has something just as bad to counter it.
There have been many articles printed out over the years about, “A World Without Police Officer” one of the articles, I would talk about is an article by Mr. Peter Gelderloos. Mr. Gelderloss, stated in his article, “The police are a racist, authoritarian institution that exists to protect the powerful in an unequal system. We don’t want better police. We don’t want to fix the police. On the contrary, we understand that the police work quite well; they simply do not work for us and they never have. We want to get rid of the police entirely, and we want to live in a world where police are not necessary.” (Gelderloos, 2014). Now, I understand where Mr. Gelderloss, get all his angry and ball up emotion from and want to leak out toward law enforcement,
In “The Myth of Police Reform” Coates is saying, That the criminal justice system is not working as well as it should. They are putting people, especially African Americans in jail or killing them. Some people have mental or physical disabilities or have drug or alcohol problems That’s been one of the reasons That they will get killed. All police departments understand that African Americans are just like other people to be treated. The police officers are sending men and women in fear that people are getting killed for reasons like having a drug or alcohol and mental problems. No matter who it is they are getting killed. “They do not urge them to make no sudden movements in the presence of police out of profound respect for the democratic
Law enforcement leaders must be continually vigilant to ensure that the actions of their officers do not violate civil rights and do not compromise public support. The individual officer is granted a tremendous amount of authority and discretion to enforce the law. Their ultimate duty is to protect individual rights from being infringed upon by others in the community. They must never consider themselves above the law while executing their responsibility to enforce the law. This commitment is what distinguishes police in constitutionally based, democratic societies like ours from police in nondemocratic countries, where they are perceived as oppressive agents of a government whose main purpose is to restrict, rather than protect, the rights of civilians (International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2006).
It is easy for police to get caught up in the idea that it is them against the rest of society (Barkan, 2012). Many citizens in today’s democratic society have a negative or fearful view of our law enforcement. Think back to grade school, who was that one kid in class that everyone was annoyed by or despised? Most people would answer the teacher’s pet or the tattletale. We have grown up from a young age to have a negative view towards those that get us into trouble when we think we can get away with something we know is wrong. In the adult world, the police force can equate to those tattletales.
Police officers either make people feel safe or unsafe. That either depends on the person’s background history with police or hearing other’s stories. As of lately police have been in the media a lot. Television stations, newspapers, and tabloids get involved with the topic of police brutality. If you turned the TV to the news right now, you would see a case of police brutality happening in the United States. There are many experiences of police brutality on social media. “Police
In modern day society, the police force is meant to safeguard the lives of those they serve, to eliminate crime, to ensure public safety, and to do so in an honorable fashion. They are meant to be respected and trusted by those they potentially "protect." Children often looked at them as modern day superheroes. At some point however, something changed and the neighborhood hero transformed into the villain. What happens when the ones people reach out to in a time of distress become the ones causing the chaos? Who are people to turn to when those they thought would protect them are becoming the antagonist? Over the years, police officers have committed crimes against those for several reasons, but the main one that will be analyzed is
Police Officers worldwide are becoming way too powerful, to be “protecting” and “looking out” for we the peoples best interests. First, let 's start out with a word for word definition of Police Power and their responsibilities. “In United States constitutional law, police power is the capacity of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their inhabitants.” But yet the cops are the ones killing unarmed, or no imminent threat to them or others. Now, I’m not a genius but I know that isn 't, part of protecting our health, safety, and to be shot by the ones who are suppose to protect us. In 2015 a shocking number of 1140 people were shot and KILLED by our police force according to The Counted. The police are suppose to be looking after us, protecting us
The role of police officers is very significant to American history. Police work toward protecting citizens’ rights and helping America become the land of the free. The United States of America is built from the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights and police play a major role in making sure American rights are met. Evolution has changed many of American history for the better; policing is part of those changes. As new issues in society arise, police must change and adapt to protect and serve the public.
In recent years, society has heard cases of police brutality at an increasingly shocking rate, thus creating a sense of distrust among communities towards police officers and other authority figures. As the first line of defense against crimes such as home invasions or crimes against persons, police officers are expected to be an ally towards victims; however, it seems that society is now viewing officers as the perpetrators of crimes as opposed to the protectors. This has already posed an issue because community members are choosing not to seek police help when needed, and when they do decide to seek help, forgoing police assistance results in being uncertain of where else to go.
In a national Institute of Justice study it was found that interactions with police are the factors that most influence public opinion. (Factors That Influence, 2007) Interactions were defines as “person to person”
The social structure theory deliberates delinquency as a gathering of the person’s dealings with numerous groups, organizations, and process in the society. Any person irrespective of their prominence in life is likely to become delinquents if they continue with negative social affiliations. Every aspect of the society, social and economic must be viewed using the social structure theories to find the cause of crime and deviance. The social structure theories consist of four types which include social disorganization theory, anomie theory, differential association theory, and labeling theory. Several theories offer different answers to this delinquent of influential the key features of a social group.