
Social Anxiety Disorders In High School

Decent Essays

Making the Silent Speak Up

High school is an extremely stressful environment for everyone. But among everyone, there are students struggling with intense anxiety in social situations, avoiding social contact with students, and intensely fearing interacting with others. An average high school has 2,000 students; an extremely overwhelming number of people for those who get nervous around others. With in-class presentations, taunting teachers and immature peers, high school can be a nightmare for adolescents with social anxiety. Schools have an unrealistic expectation for students with social anxiety, some cannot function like others in a classroom and need the help they deserve. To some, it doesn’t make sense, how something as simple as talking can be so trying. Social Anxiety Disorder is among the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents. Due to the nature of the disorder, less than 20 percent of those dealing with social anxiety are treated. Parents and …show more content…

The definition of Social Anxiety Disorder or (S.A.D) is an anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations, here’s what it meant for me. I would leave many of my classes because the number of students in the classroom was too much for me. Passing periods were hell because it felt like everyone around me was staring at me. I threw up almost every morning in fear of being in school and was failing every one of my classes. Before I could even realize it for myself, I was at my breaking point. My mom and I made a decision to have me leave school to save myself. I finished my sophomore and junior year through a small charter school program and with therapy and a lot of positive thinking, I was able to return to school this year. I believe that schools should make the necessary accommodations for students struggling with social anxiety, so nobody has to leave school and miss out on a high school

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