Essay # 1 The changes in Art reflect societal changed from Middle Ages and the Renaissances, because of how Renaissance artwork used linear perspective, focused less on religion in paintings and was more humanistic, and lastly art was focused more on realism. During the Middle Ages artwork was not very popular, because it was not a Golden Age or anything so people did not really have time for it. During the Renaissance it was a Golden Age for artwork, and people were investing in it to make it better. During the Middle Ages there was no such thing as linear perspective. People and objects in paintings did not take into account distance, size, and shape. As an example look at Duccio di Buoninsegna’s painting The Calling of the Apostles the people were the same size, and objects were not in size relative to the people. Unlike, during the Middle Ages the Renaissance had linear perspective. In Raphael's painting The School of Athens people who were in the front were larger. In the middle of the painting you can see that those people are the most important. The person in the middle of the painting is thought to be the great philosopher Plato, and the other people around him were philosophers and other great people. In The School of Athens you can clearly see that Plato is the exact middle of the painting. This painting …show more content…
In the Renaissances artwork advances in basically every way possible from the Middle Ages. From realism to linear perspective to making the artwork more diverse and not just religious paintings. During the Renaissance people were actively engaged in artwork, and wanted it to improve, but during the Middle Ages time was rough so people did not really care about art. Therefore artwork in the Renaissance totally outclasses artwork in the Middle Ages, and it shows how the societal changes came a long with this changing
The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the Renaissance changed man’s view of the world. By definition, the term Renaissance means, rebirth. It was a time of big change in European history. Over 300 years, the spread of new ideas and advancements in technology spread across western and northern Europe. The Renaissance changed mans view of the world through art, literature, and science.
During the Middle Ages there were a lot of churches and castles. The style was very gothic, and very detailed. It was all 2D and had no emotion, or perspective. It was all very blunt and boring, and did not really catch the eye. On the other hand, during the Renaissance, there was a lot of symmetry and proportion, which was adapted from the Greeks and Romans. Unlike the Middle Ages, where the paintings were really flat, in the Renaissance, there was a lot of perspective, definition, and emotion. During the renaissance there was a lot of use of bronze, which can be credited to Donatello. There was also a high use of the hieratic scale, which showed higher status figures look bigger. This proves that the style of the Renaissance was very different than the Middle Ages, which support the fact that the Renaissance was not a high point of the Middle
First of all, art during the Renaissance was a major improvement from Middle Ages art. Art during the Middle Ages was very dark, gloomy, and was centered on the ideas of the Roman Catholic Church. In document A it states that Bouninsegna’s painting is about Mary on the throne with baby Jesus. Middle Ages art was very two dimensional. During the Renaissance, paintings stopped focusing on the ideas of the church and more on the beauty of humans. In document A it says, “[...] see well defined landscapes, natural folds in drapery, three dimensional figures[...]” Renaissance art was very vibrant and life like with natural colors and people that were not
The transition from Middle ages to Renaissance for art changed dramatically. The Art in the Middle ages was usually 2 dimensional and had a religious subject. When the renaissance came around art changed a lot. New artistic styles would echo the broader movements and interest of the new age. The art produced in the renaissance was more 3d and focused more on individuals and landscapes (Doc A). Paintings such as the Mona Lisa are what the Renaissance focused on, as well as landscapes such as the wedding at Cana. The works of art changed man’s view of the world
Another way that the renaissance change man’s view was the arts between the middle ages and renaissance. The middle ages art contained religious themes (angels in the left corner of the painting). Man’s view was changing by emotion of the pictures. The renaissance art was three-dimensional, very detailed (landscaping).
The Renaissance had a profound part in the development of modern thinking, technology and art. The Renaissance influenced America to what it is today. The Renaissance way of thinking was based more on humanism and less on religion. That resulted in a newer way of thinking than the church's way of thinking. Before the Renaissance all thinking was geared towards religion in some way.
Both conveyed many intense emotions through religious scenes, focused on individualism, and both focused immensely on the minute details in the artwork. Many would feel many emotions after taking a glance at the artwork made during the Northern and Italian Renaissance time period because most of the artists’ focused on not only the religious side of the art, but to also to have a deeper meaning. The details that the artists put into their artwork during these two time periods is what made their artwork stand out compared to other pieces. The small details like the veins in an arm, or the branches coming off of a tree could make the biggest difference. Even though the Northern and Italian Renaissance had many similarities, both still had many differences. Those differences included the Northern Renaissance artwork focusing more on everyday life of regular humans, while the Italian Renaissance artwork focused more on biblical scenes and classical
The Renaissance in Northern Europe took place during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. The word renaissance is a French derivative for “rebirth” as this era brought about some of the greatest changes in Northern Europe as well as the methodology artist used throughout their work. Techniques such as engraving sculptures and oil paintings were primitive. In this era, decorative arts that portrayed everyday life were very influential. This can be seen in many oil pieces where artists would display the wealth of their subjects by meticulously arranging objects, paying great attention to detail. Not only did this era change the face of art, but it also came out with inventions such as the printing press and international trade. Those are just a few examples of why the northern renaissance was a great turning point in history.
Middle Age art and Renaissance art has one common characteristic: many are themed around Christianity. However, as far as style is concerned, the two periods vary greatly. Middle Age art was about function. The pieces told the stories of the Church and of war. The colors were muted because of a lack of good paint. Perspective and proportions were incorrect. The faces of figures were not realistic and generally very masculine. The statues were done in relief and the paintings seemed flat. In contrast, art in The Renaissance was about beauty. The pieces invoked emotion while telling a story. The colors were bright and vibrant
The difference between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is most visible through art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion or classical antiquity, and humanity. During the Middle Ages, art was more religious because it had a very religious influence from the church having such great power in the community. When the Renaissance started, art became more focused on ancient Greece. The Greek influence was because scholars were broadly studying the revival of classical antiquity. The architecture was affected in the same way because in the Middle Ages the style of the buildings was being influenced by religion. The style in the Renaissance was being more influenced by ancient Greece.
During the Renaissance, artists moved away from Christian ideas and turned to the topics from Greek and Roman mythology to create their masterpieces. Just like the Romans did with their paintings and mosaics, Renaissance artists began to paint images that would be seen on an ordinary day (Burgan par. 13). The Renaissance was greatly influenced by Roman artwork. Renaissance artists used techniques and ideas from Roman art to create their own masterpieces. We still use Roman art today in teachings and as an example of classical art.
The Renaissance time period was home to many new ideas in art. This includes new artists bringing forth ideas that had yet to be discovered and made popular. New themes and types of art were also being brought forward during this period.
When the new upper class movement, Renaissance, occurred in Italy around the 14th century, a revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, an intensified concern with secular life, and interest in humanism and assertion of the importance of the individual began. Thus, artists such as Mosaccio and Giotto depicted art that unlike the Middle Ages, showed emotions, feelings, and bright colors, thus demonstrating the deep concern for naturalism in the society. Other artists during the Italian Renaissance period such as Giovanni Bellini began to express their art through secular and religious themes and ideas that were exhibited through landscapes and portraits. As new styles of
Many of these advancements came in the form of the arts and theology as well as politics. The arts went retro so to speak and focused more on the humanity of its subject rather than a rough interpretation of what the artist saw. The subject of the art was given a sense of personality and realism. This had not been seen since Greek and Roman art so it was heavily inspired by these societies. Arts became vivid and celebrated and beautiful works of art started to arise and amazing artist such as Michelangelo and DiVinci. In medieval time's arts was primarily for cathedrals and other religious needs and the worked seemed to lack spirit but when the Renaissance began art became an expression of the world around it. Just looking at this art you can see the vivid differences and mood of the artist that created these masterpieces. The ability to think outside the box heavily influenced these artists and had they been alive in a feudalistic society many of these works would never have been created.
The arts during the renaissance were very beautiful and showed lots of beauty, they showed lots of emotion and detail to them. They had lots of color to show the detail as well. The art work during the middle ages was quiet dull and didn’t show much of anything, but the fact of it having to deal with christianity. It didn’t show much emotion, it was hard to see what the painting was trying to show. The renaissance was very vivid and detailed comparted to the middle ages.