
Social Class In Class Matters By Peter Sacks

Decent Essays

Looking at the article “Class Matters” by Peter Sacks, Social classes are divisions in society, which are based on social and economic status. People from a similar social class have a distinct level of power and wealth within a given community or country. The most common social groupings, based on status, are the upper, the middle, and the lower social classes. The precise considerations of determining these hierarchical social categories vary from time to time. Many researchers have come up with different perspectives as far as social stratification is concerned. According to Karl Marx, social stratification is a result of one's position in the hierarchy of factors of production. Therefore, social stratification is a manifestation of financial muscle within society further creating the divide within social groupings as seen through educational divides and inequalities that lie in many aspects of life. Max Weber, a sociologist, argued that class power takes several forms. Peoples' power is manifested in societal hierarchies through their class, in economic level through their class, and in political order from their party. However, Americans have long thought of themselves not burdened by class distinctions. The citizens have no hereditary aristocracy, and even those who are very poor, those from marginalized areas, and the vulnerable individuals have the same chance of becoming successful in life through education. Through a standardized education system, even poor

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