
Social Classes

Decent Essays

Social class is defined as a division of a society based on social and economic status. Social classes can also be defined as a group of individuals classified because of their political views. However, do social classes affect health risk behaviors? In a capitalist society such as America, wealth is characterized in three classes, which are: upper, middle, and lower. Social classes and health risks behavior directly correlate in ways such as: healthcare, daily diet, and recreational activities.
Everything costs money and healthcare is no different. Upper class people have more money and would be fully covered by a top class healthcare provider, therefore, are more likely to receive dental …show more content…

Upper class families tend to eat the healthiest on a daily basis, because they can afford personal chefs who balance their diets. Healthier foods also tend to be more expensive than average, so only people with money would be able to afford them on a consistent basis. Middle class citizens diets vary as some can afford to eat healthy but have busy work schedules in order to maintain their earnings, which results in an irregular eating schedule. While people in the middle class can afford to buy healthier foods, they might not be able to do so every time if they are to live among their financial means. Lower class families have the worst diets of Americans because they consume large amounts of ‘cheap’ foods, which tend to be junkie. Alternatively some don’t eat at all. Things like the dollar menu are affordable, but the ingredients in those food items are extremely unhealthy, especially when consumed in large amounts on a regular basis. People in the lower class might even want to eat healthier, but due to monetary issues they …show more content…

Wealthier individuals have the luxury of joining country clubs, and beneficial organizations, as well as vacationing at least twice per year. Traveling the world is a dream for many, but its quite expensive to do so and usually is only attainable be a select few, namely members of the upper class of society. Individuals in the middle class enjoy recreational activities within means of their salaries. Rather than vacationing multiple times per year, middle class families usually vacation once per year if any at all, and occasionally venture out to do a spontaneous activity. Individuals in the Lower class rarely partake in recreational activities. Due to limited finances, people in the lower class have to juggle multiple jobs in order to make ends meet. Even if poor people do partake in recreational activities the trend is usually in non-productive and likely

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