
Social Correlates Of Bullying In Adolescents

Decent Essays

There are many research studies that have a main focus on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and how it relates to bullying and being a bully from an education and psychological perceptive. One article in the critique looks at how male students who have ADHD are more likely to be bullied or are bullies themselves. The other article in the critique looks at students in general with no specific gender given preference. Both studies have focus in Canadian children. The first study is titled “Social Correlates of Bullying in Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder” by Victoria Timmermanis and Judith Wiener. This study looks at the comparison of students with ADHD being bullied and those without being bullied. (Timmermanis …show more content…

(Shea & Wiener, 2003) The Article titled “Social Correlates of Bullying in Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder” was written by Victoria Timmermanis and Judith Wiener is a qualitative study. The studies main question was to “examine[] the levels and social correlates of bullying in adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” (Timmermanis &Wiener, 2011, p. 301). The study begins with defining what it means to be bullied and what diagnose criteria the students need to be considered ADHD. The conclusion that the article comes up with is that bullying is “negative actions toward another child repeatedly and over time. These negative actions, which are intended to cause harm, can be physical (e.g., hitting), verbal (e.g., name calling), relational (e.g., intentional exclusion from group), or cyber bullying (e.g., sending mean emails).” (Timmermanis &Wiener, 2011, p. 302) The definition they use for ADHD is that “ADHD is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, or both” (Timmermanis &Wiener, 2011, p. 302). The study then goes on to explain statistics that back up the claim that bullying is more prevalent in children with ADHD. The article then discusses social factors of bulling …show more content…

In both studies they are co-authored by Judith Weiner, so there is some relation to what each study is looking at but there are some differences. One difference it how the study by Shea and Weiner presents the information and collect the information of the parents, students, and teachers in the Timmermanis and Weiner study, a questionnaire was given and there were not one on one interviews in the study. (Timmermanis &Wiener, 2011) The other study had interviews and was more informative because it looked directly the students and parents answers rather than a bunch of test results formatted into a table. (Shea & Wiener, 2003) This allows the study to go in more depth with the issue by using interviews. Another difference between the two studies is how in the study by Timmermanis and Weiner there was a much larger sample size, with both students with ADHD and students without, also there was a variety of gender looked at. (Timmermanis &Wiener, 2011) In the study by Shea and Weiner the sample size is much smaller with only four boys participating, there is also the gender difference with the four boys being the only gender looks at in the study. (Shea & Wiener, 2003) The results and how the results can be used is different for each study. In the first article by Timmermanis and Weiner the results mention the other study that the findings in

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