
Social Divisions In The Early Republic

Decent Essays

In the early republic social divisions was in fact what determined the shape of politics. The most important division in roman society was between the patricians and the plebeians. The political power was in the hands of the patricians a “hereditary aristocracy”, whose privileged legal status was determined by their birth as members of certain families” (p.130). It was the patrician men who will dominate the affairs of state, provided by military leadership in the time of war, and they would monopolize knowledge of law and legal procedure. Then there was the common people of Rome, known as plebeians, the plebeians were free citizens with a voice in politics, however, they had very few of the patricians advantages, that was in the political and social sense. Most of the plebeians were poor artisan’s small farmers, and landless urban dwellers.
“The Romans created several assembles through which men elected …show more content…

This conflict was known as the struggle of the orders. During this conflict the plebeians wanted to increase their power, that was by taking advantage of the fact that Rome's survival depended on its army, in which it actually needed plebeians to fill the ranks of the infantry. In fact, it was stated that plebeians had actually walked out of Rome and refused to serve in the army back in 494 B.C.E. That strike worked, and the patricians grudgingly made important concessions, in which they allowed the plebeians to elect their own officials, the tribune, who could bring plebeian grievances to the senate for resolution, who presided over the concilium pleblis, and who could also veto the decisions of the consuls. Patricians were the only ones that knew the law, and the only ones that could argue the cases in court, in which they used the law for their own benefit. The plebeians were the ones that wanted the law codified and published, but many patricians opposed to the attempts by plebeians to gain legal

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