
Social Divisions In The Great Gatsby

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My reading of American literature is concerned with this passage by Theodore Dreiser’s An American Tragedy. It explores variety within gender roles and the American dream of the times. This is explored when social divisions are highlighted in the text in the phrase ‘would have assumed at once belonged to this world.’ The worlds that are shown to us are old and new in The Great Gatsby, as there are many that are striving to achieve more wealth to belong to the new world where all the industrial wealth is increasing in rates never seen before. The verb ‘belonged’ suggests the social status of women in those times, as men were the superior and women were to follow behind as ‘belongings’, and the reader has to understand that men had the power and dominance over women. The noun ‘world’ suggests the divisions between the East side and the West side as they are portraying social divisions throughout 1922 when The Great Gatsby was set. Although An American Tragedy was set in 1925, a little after The Great Gatsby, we have reason to conclude that similar social divisions were still in play. In The Great Gatsby, Nick, the narrator of the novella, sees two kinds of America: the hard-working Chicago, part of a "Middle-West" culture; and the "white," fashionable East Egg. Nick may be able to make it in the Middle-West, but he is not cut out for East Coast life. This reference to the two worlds hints at the decadence of the roaring 20s, a time in which which everyone was increasing in

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