
Social Identity Theory And Social Interaction Theory Essay

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Social Identity Theory In 1979, Tajfel and Turner are recognized for the development of social identity theory (SIT) (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Through earlier studies, Tajfel attempted to understand mechanisms that lead to group members to discriminate against non-group members, which lead to evolution of SIT (Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012). The Tajfel and Turner developed SIT with the purpose of understanding social group discrimination (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). SIT is based on three concepts: Social categorization; social identity, and social comparison (Tajfel & Turner, 1979; Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012; Mols, & Weber, 2013). SIT has been used in psychological research for many of years, but has also provided a theoretical framework for research in many disciplines including human services to understand social changes of groups (Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012). Key Constructs Social categorization. Social categorization is how individuals sees or put themselves andr others into categories (Mols, & Weber, 2013). Typical categories often used to label self are interest, race, gender, profession, and other factors (Mols, & Weber, 2013). Individuals who categorize themselves and other members with similar characteristics, form a group the members are consider an in-group (Tajfel & Turner, 1979; Hogg, van Knippenberg, & Rast, 2012; Mols, & Weber, 2013).An out-group is any that does not identify or observed the same characteristics as the in-group which often

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