
Social Inequality In Society

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Individuals are positioned differently in society in relation to socially constructed categories of identity (race, gender, class, socioeconomic status, etc.) that shape our experiences. The social construct categories that one belong to can produce social, political and economic privilege and oppression. The theory of intersectionality suggests that our relationship to these categories is multi-layered and co-constructed. Thus, our relationship to privilege and oppression is a complicated dynamic that can change throughout our lifetimes (Suarez, Newman & Reed, 2008).
According to the dominant discourse, both the client and I are considered foreigners because neither of us was born in the United States. Like so many other foreigners we both left our native country in pursuit of the American dream (higher wages, better employment/education opportunities, and home ownership). We both had to deal with culture shock that entailed mourning the loss of our country coupled with adapting to a new culture and being placed in a disadvantaged socioeconomic position. Also, there was a shift in our social status from being in the racial majority to a minority in the United States. Nevertheless, unlike my client upon arriving in America, I had the support of my microsystem to help me adjust to the new social environment. With that I was able to gain more access to privilege and resources by obtaining a college education, becoming a US citizen, becoming a part of the working classes.

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