
Social Inequality In The Social Class In The Great Gatsby

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Myrtle Wilson, a relatively minor character, belongs to the lower classes, expresses a desire to upward social mobility, but is largely prevented from doing so due to her gender. She uses love to acquire wealth and has an extramarital affair with Tom. She is not happy with her lower social status and her husband George Wilson, a representative of the lower classes and a simple man with no grand ambitions, states in the novel: “The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in and never even told me about it,” (Fitzgerald 28). Myrtle allows us to look at her accumulation of things, such as the down-town apartment which was “… crowded to the doors with a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large for it, so that to move about was to stumble continuously over scenes of ladies swinging in the gardens of Versailles” (Lindberg 16; Fitzgerald 35). Social class is a key factor for Gatsby in pursuit of Daisy’s love. He understands, however, that as “a penniless young man without a past” (Fitzgerald 118) he will not be able to marry Daisy. As Walter Michaels argues, ‘’The real problem is that he is ‘without a past’ and to get Daisy he must get a past. Thus Jimmy Gatz’s efforts to improve himself, which begins in the Franklin-like scheduling of his present intended to produce the perfected Gatsby of his future (‘study electricity, etc.’), must themselves be transformed into efforts to

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