
Essay about Social Injustice

Decent Essays

Social Injustice The two social injustice examples I am going to use are going to be equal access to health care and equal education. “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and of his family, including food, housing, and medical care and necessary social services,” states Article 25.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Unfortunately today, American citizens do not have equal access to health care, as they should be given. Federal programs and health care companies know that they don’t all have the same health status nor do they have the same access to quality health care services. Even though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all humans are legally to have …show more content…

Americans are entitled to health care services that accept them no matter what the case is, but because of economic statuses and other issues, American citizens most of the time are not accepted by the facilities. With the cities in America growing larger and larger, the quality in health care is getting scarcer for the growing populations of people, especially those who are of lower classes and poverty level. In September of 1999 there was a study done by the Institute on Race, Health care, and The Law. The study concluded that “Health care disparities also are the result of discrimination, differences in quality health care, and socioeconomic barriers.” Health care programs that do not take race gender health conditions and other demographics are the ones that are making the situation worse. Unfortunately, the U.S. has unequal access to health care for all the citizens, however, there are ways that government and citizens can work things out to improve the health care system or lack of one in America, as well as help to change the views on health care in the United States. All Americas citizens deserve to receive equal and non-discriminatory access to health care benefits.

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