
Social Justice And Social Injustices

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Throughout history, some civilizations have had their civil liberties expanded while others have had them restricted. Due to some of the ideologies of the Conquistadores the liberties of the Native Americans, such as the ability to hunt and gather on any land, were completely stripped from them. As a consequence of expansion and imperialist practices, social justice was not always achieved. Social justice means that everyone has access to equal opportunity and treatment, regardless of the individual’s religious affiliation, or lack thereof, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. These are liberties, which should be inherited and lost only through the consequences of the individual’s actions. Homelessness is a social injustice in which the blame is often placed on the individuals when it’s due to a variety of reasons. Those who are homeless are being deprived of their inalienable rights, because of reasons they never had any influence in. …show more content…

Throughout the country, millions of people live on the streets. Compared to the rest of the world, where is the social justice for these individuals who can scarcely survive each day since most of the world lives on very little while others spend their money so vacuously? Manila is not alone. Throughout the world, there are many countries, such as the United States, Greece, Brazil, Hungary, India, among others, which has accumulated thousands of vagabond individuals. Having a population of around 60,000 displaced individuals New York City has the second highest homeless rate in the world. Although society in developing countries views the growing rate of displaced persons as an issue not pertaining to their country through the revealing statists, it clearly

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