
Social Justice Case Study

Good Essays

1. Identify a social justice-related problem that concerns you. How do you envision a social worker’s role in addressing the issue?

A social justice-related problem that both concerns me and troubles me is child abuse and neglect. I have always had a passion for working with children, and even in my teen years I worked with at-risk youth ages 14 to 21. Given my background in my undergraduate education, I envision myself trying to make my environment slightly better for children that often do not get to be heard. Child abuse is a severe case of unequal social justice and I envision myself as a future social worker working with families to identify and address both environmental factors and the challenges they face as individuals or as a larger …show more content…

As an Armenian girl from a traditional family and growing up in the Unites States, breaking barriers have been significantly difficult for me. I struggled with my identity between choosing the values my parents wanted me to have and between the values I believed in. Because I am a girl I am expected to abide in all the rules my family has. Because I am a girl, I am not allowed to go away to college. Because I am a girl, I am not allowed to live on my own until I get married. Because I am a girl, there have been so many things in my life that I have been limited to. However, because I a strong woman I did go away to college, I did live on my own, and I did find who I am. And who I am today is an individual that has grown to be independent, understanding, compassionate, proactive, devoted, and …show more content…

Through this group, I learned that people who were different from me, were not really that different after all. I learned to be accepting through the countless trust exercises and teambuilding trainings we did. This group was special for me because one needed to be recruited in order to join the group. Luckily for me, my 9th grade English teacher said she noticed the spark in me and she referred me to the Dean who was in charge of the club. I am proud to say that our club included a diverse group of people including African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Armenians, Homosexuals, Disabled people, and people from different socioeconomic

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