Black lives matter has become a great start to a new social justice movement across America. The support of this movement have grown ever so rapidly, since being founded in the summer of 2013. This social movement started the beginning of a fascinatingly new generational era of those represented in the black community, much of whom are the faces of society’s biggest victims of racial discrimination and oppression. The reason being is due to the fact of how this movement caught the public’s attention. That was through the power of the media, but most importantly social media. Many believe that cyberspace is what taints our generation’s mind by serving as a distraction which keeps us out of touch with realty. Though the founders of this movement …show more content…
The American born movement, exceeded the interests of all people over the world from regions in South America, Europe, Africa, and even Australia. In doing so they not only became the voice of black african americans affected by police brutality but they are now the voices influencing the fight against cases addressing these issues across the world. According to “In July, hundreds of people took to the streets of Paris and Beaumont-sur-Oise to protest the death in police custody of Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old black man. The hashtag #JusticePourAdama — Justice for Adama — was quickly followed by #BLMFrance and rallies where protesters chanted “Black lives matter!” in English.” All of this was only the beginning of the battle between the system and its victims from a global …show more content…
A new hash tag emerged, #AllLivesMatter. For obvious reasons most would think that this hashtag was created to support the anti police brutality movement to society as a whole, though it was also used in the media to disregard the original reason for the hashtag that began the movement. Now we had people offended by the Black Lives Matter movement which some believed only favored the black race but disregarded everybody else’s need for protection. Though many missed the point to which the Black Lives Matter movement meant. In my opinion the movement was not to only focus on the blacks because of it being created by the black community, that would be selfish. Instead what the movement meant was to create efforts to address how targeted the black community is in this country and perhaps all over the world. Not to over shadow crimes of other racial groups as a
Following the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin, Patrisse Cullers retweeted a friend’s Facebook status with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. In collaboration with other friends they shared their experiences and stories on other social media platforms and subsequently created a socio-political campaign. Soon it became a powerful force of hashtag activism that is now an international movement that has more than 26 chapters globally. According to it founders the activist movement follows guiding principles that support “an ideological and political intervention in a world where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” It was the emergence of a movement like this that destroyed the newly formed notion of a post-racial America. This notion was heavily influenced by the election of the United States’ first African American president, Barack Obama. Embracing intersectionality, #BlackLivesMatter was started by three black women, two of whom are queer and one who is Nigerian American.
Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi are the creators of the now famous hash tag Black Lives Matter. It was made as a call to action after George Zimmerman was not held accountable for the fatal shooting of teen Trayvon Martin in 2012. This incident was what gave life to the Black Lives Matter movement and has reframed the way Americans perceive police treatments of people of color. It was not until 2014 when it exploded all over social media after a Ferguson police officer killed a young black man named Michael Brown. The book Forces of Deviance: understanding the dark side of policing says, “African Americans tend to believe that the police were more corrupt, more unfair, harsher, tougher, less friendly, and crueler than did whites. African Americans generally were more dissatisfied with police service in comparison to the white population” (Kappeler, Sluder, & Alpert 6). Ferguson was exposed as a case study of structural racism in America and a metaphor for all that
After his death, a group of protesters chanting “black lives matter” shut down a local shopping mall which lead to further deaths of unarmed black men. The phrase started appearing on t-shirts and posters banners everywhere. Black Lives Matter surfaced and the movement created itself. There are now more than 37 movement chapters in the U.S and one in Canada. “The movement doesn’t win if there’s only a small set of people who understand the solutions. It wins when there’s a broad understanding that we need a system that doesn’t kill people, when a critical mass of citizens can envision what that looks like, and what concrete steps are taken to make it happen.” Says Deray Mckesson, a 29-year-old man who drove 600 miles to witness the Ferguson scene himself. McKesson met a woman here who he began sharing information about events and tweeting updates, who then quickly became the most recognizable figures associated with the movement in
(Hashtag) #BlackLivesMatter. Black Lives Matter (BLM). This is a phrase, a hashtag, a saying, a declaration, an affirmation of resistance, and most importantly, a calling for change to the American civilization which is unjust in its treatment of black human beings. This is not a moment, this is a movement, and it is truly an unfortunate witness numerous Americans disregard this outcry for justice. Whether it may largely be the purpose of bigoted racism, in which, one is instilled of the opinion that black people are less than or not equal to, seemingly inferior to other cultures. But besides all of these racist principles, a certain ignorance prevails in the misinterpretation of the black lives matter advocated premise. Many tend to interpret
Black Lives Matter. They do, however why is it that Black Lives Matter isn’t “All Lives Matter”? or why aren’t there multiple “Lives Matter” slogans for different races? All legitimate questions. Black Lives Matter, also shortened to BLM, is an civil rights movement campaigning to intervene with police brutality against black people, but why black people specifically? In February 2013, a young boy named Trayvon Martin, at the not-so-ripe age of 17, was shot to death. He was a young black boy. Trayvon was innocent, heading back from a local store, carrying an iced tea and a bag of sweets, when he was killed. Alicia Garza is a black woman. This event has resonated with her as she has a younger brother of similar build and felt it could have been him just as easily. Garza expressed her feeling through a series of tweets on a popular site,, with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, and so the movement was born, but perhaps the movement gained more attention after the killing of young, and black, Michael Brown. Both these young boys were unarmed and not dangerous to anyone around them.
Originating in 2012, the political movement known under the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has exploded in size and renown. This movement, which was initially inspired after a police officer was acquitted of all charges after fatally shooting an African American individual, seeks to diminish police brutality against African American individuals and systemic racism particularly in the United States. Sweeping the nation, Black Lives Matter has become an international movement and its influence has only increased with time. On the movement’s official website, the following was written regarding the history of the hashtag-inspired entourage, “#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime, and dead 17-year old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder. Rooted in the experiences of Black people in this country who actively resist our dehumanization, #BlackLivesMatter is a call to action and a response to the virulent anti-Black racism that permeates our society. Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes.” ( The #BlackLivesMatter movement asserts that racism is still prevalent in modern society and exists not only in passive forms. Instead, racism apparently can be both overt and implicit.
The movement continued its encounter beyond racial police violence to make sure change. “Because of social media we reach people in the smallest corners of America. We are plucking at a cord that has not been plucked forever. There is a network and a hashtag to gather around. It is powerful to be in alignment with our own people.” (De Choudhury et al., 2015) ‘Reformist and Revolutionary’ is a social action that fits in with the Black Lives Matter movement. Reformist regularly pursue to help bring about change without challenging the limitations of legal systems however it is often that the motivation is the legal change. Revolutionary disputes that change can’t happen unless there is a change within the legal system for instance; social, political and economic. This backs up the movement as the Black Lives matter movement aims to make sure that change occurs within the judicial system. There aiming for a new social direction. The main focus is to change the political system and the American Districts perspective on viewing police officers who use excessive force, which is leading to the deaths of black
The current political climate in America over the death of unarmed black men has led to our generation newest current civil rights movement, Black Lives Matter. The purpose of Black Lives Matter is “to build local power and to intervene when violence was inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes...and to imagining and creating a world free of anti-Blackness, where every Black person has the social, economic, and political power to thrive”(Black Lives Matter). The Black Lives Matter movement seeks to achieve a society where African Americans don’t have to fear racial profiling, fear being killed by police officers, or to judge by the color skin and not by their character. This movement came after the death of Trayvon Martin
After hearing the news story that George Zimmerman had been acquitted, Opal Tometi was inspired to build a movement to prevent this from happening again. She read a Facebook post by Alicia Garza arguing that the anger people felt was justified and that "black lives matter." Inspired by Garza 's post, Patrisse Cullors put a hashtag on that crucial phrase and began posting it on social media. Tometi then called Garza and Cullors and said the movement needed “its own platforms.” They searched for ways to have other people interact with their message and also share the work that they 're doing to ensure black lives are relevant.
In a desperate situation, a phenomenon is rising strongly in our society: Black Lives Matter (BLM). If people are using any kind of social media, they might have seen a lot of #BlackLivesMatter. It’s an international movement against violence towards black people. The hashtag is being used widely on social media after several deaths of African
Black voices around the country were being heard as they protested for their lives. It almost seemed like déjà vu for the black community. However, this time, unlike in the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s, the Black Lives Matter movement had a powerful tool in their pocket: social media. The creation of the hashtag “Black Lives Matter” galvanized the movement throughout the nation, as posts from people on both sides of the spectrum spoke out on their thoughts over the current police violence against African Americans. Although the hashtag originally began on Facebook, the Black Lives Matter movement has been able to reach a wide range audience through Twitter.
Before we can delve deep into the core of this young movement we have to go to the beginning were it was just a #."#BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted for his crime” (Cullors,
From slavery to the Civil Rights Movement, the African American community has faced hardships, discrimination and prejudice based on their position in the racial hierarchy in the United States. Although the melting pot called the American population has learned to coexist in the twenty first century, the African American community continues to face these problem even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress prohibiting discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, not to mention the countless lives that were sacrificed during civil rights demonstrations for those natural rights every human being should have. We now see the African American community facing another similar problem: its youth, especially young black men, have been shot or harmed by “police and vigilantes” (Garza) all over the United States for reasons that seem to be less than bullet proof. The outrage that surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin and the controversy around it sparked the “birth of a new civil rights movement” (Day) ‒ the Black Lives Matter Movement. This movement is rather different and certainly unique when compared to its its precursors in its message, purpose, and tactics. This movement has used various tactics to encourage support for their cause through the use of direct action, political slogans, and social media.
For the past few years, racial tensions have been on the rise. Although many actions have been taken to prevent these conflicts from occurring, African Americans are still being undervalued by the state. As more African Americans are being turned away with little to no assistance from the American government, anger and the desire for change increased among them. When Trayvon Martin’s murderer George Zimmerman was acquitted for his crime, a great number of Americans were furious at the outcome. Three African American women named Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi expressed their view on a Facebook post titled “A Love Note to Black People” and it ends with “Our Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter” (“Black Lives Matter”). Thus, a new liberation movement for black people was born. The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter rapidly spread throughout social media, bringing awareness of the struggles of African Americans. The Black Lives Matter movement is a call to action to eradicate the dehumanization of African Americans that exists in American society. With the constant targeting of African Americans by the police and the unfair treatment in the criminal justice system, the Black Lives Matter movement is a necessity to combat racism.
Black Lives Matter began as a hashtag. Garza along with Tometi and Cullors, moved the black lives matter from a hashtag to the streets. Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes. It goes beyond the narrow nationalism that can be prevalent within some Black communities, which merely call on Black people to love Black, live Black and buy Black, keeping straight cis Black men in the front of the movement while our sisters, queer and trans and disabled folk take up roles in the background or not at all. Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement. The movement has done something all too rare in our time: it’s escaped the control of the ruling establishment. Neither police repression nor Democrats have been able to stop the movement. which has confounded the politicians and the news media, accustomed as they are to using the same old scripts to discuss race and protest without challenge (Petersen-Smith, 201). According to the founders, Black Lives Matter, addresses the ways in which Black people are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity. It is an acknowledgement Black poverty and genocide is state violence. It