
Social Justice Research Paper

Decent Essays

Black lives matter has become a great start to a new social justice movement across America. The support of this movement have grown ever so rapidly, since being founded in the summer of 2013. This social movement started the beginning of a fascinatingly new generational era of those represented in the black community, much of whom are the faces of society’s biggest victims of racial discrimination and oppression. The reason being is due to the fact of how this movement caught the public’s attention. That was through the power of the media, but most importantly social media. Many believe that cyberspace is what taints our generation’s mind by serving as a distraction which keeps us out of touch with realty. Though the founders of this movement …show more content…

The American born movement, exceeded the interests of all people over the world from regions in South America, Europe, Africa, and even Australia. In doing so they not only became the voice of black african americans affected by police brutality but they are now the voices influencing the fight against cases addressing these issues across the world. According to “In July, hundreds of people took to the streets of Paris and Beaumont-sur-Oise to protest the death in police custody of Adama Traoré, a 24-year-old black man. The hashtag #JusticePourAdama — Justice for Adama — was quickly followed by #BLMFrance and rallies where protesters chanted “Black lives matter!” in English.” All of this was only the beginning of the battle between the system and its victims from a global …show more content…

A new hash tag emerged, #AllLivesMatter. For obvious reasons most would think that this hashtag was created to support the anti police brutality movement to society as a whole, though it was also used in the media to disregard the original reason for the hashtag that began the movement. Now we had people offended by the Black Lives Matter movement which some believed only favored the black race but disregarded everybody else’s need for protection. Though many missed the point to which the Black Lives Matter movement meant. In my opinion the movement was not to only focus on the blacks because of it being created by the black community, that would be selfish. Instead what the movement meant was to create efforts to address how targeted the black community is in this country and perhaps all over the world. Not to over shadow crimes of other racial groups as a

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