
Social Justice Education Project

Decent Essays

Part A The most important aspects that I concluded from the readings include: the social justice education project, disproportionate representation of minority students in special education and is common tensions in a pre- and post- Brown v. Board of Education era. The U.S. latina/latino population is rising across the nation however they are not rising in enrollment in higher education (Cammarota, 2007, pg. 87). Certain curriculum known as the Social Justice Education Project (SJEP) has influenced their viewpoints of their ability to graduate high school and attend college (Cammarota, 2007, pg. 88). Students enrolled in this project were Latina/o from working class families (Cammarota, 2007, pg. 89). The project also consisted of 17 students …show more content…

Board of Education era. Segregated knowledge is known as the era during the early 20th century where African American scholars where faced challenged and critiques to the school curriculum (Brown, A. Vasquez Heilig, J. & Brown, K., 2013, pg. 88). The post-Brown era sought to make sense of curriculum with efforts of integration, which is also known as the era of multicultural and integrated knowledge (Brown, A. Vasquez Heilig, J. & Brown, K., 2013,pg. 86). Throughout the early 20th century and after Reconstruction, scholars discovered several historical and theoretical problems with African American curriculum knowledge that is false, misinterpreted and stereotypical characterizations (Brown, A. Vasquez Heilig, J. & Brown, K., 2013,pg. 91). During the early 1930’s, several scholars of African American history worked to create rigorous scholarship that challenged the strong narratives about African Americans (Brown, A. Vasquez Heilig, J. & Brown, K., 2013,pg. 93) First, scholars identified the issues within educational texts concerning African Americans and offered new and correct knowledge via textbooks, teacher journals, teacher materials, library archives and encyclopedias (Brown, A. Vasquez Heilig, J. & Brown, K., 2013,pg. 93). A new body of school knowledge about African American history and interesting irony of curricular inclusion developed after these findings …show more content…

Are there any positive outcomes to taking remedial education courses? Can social justice education completely solve the problem of having students failing their courses or being uninterested while taking remedial courses? Why are students so unmotivated when enrolled in these remedial courses? If there are so many negative outcomes with these courses, why do they still exist through schools in our nation today?
Part C The question that I pose for the reader is what would you do if you were being unrepresented and you were stuck in a special education course or you were segregated into a separate class that was not exposing you to core academic curriculum and academic skills? What about if your own son or daughter was in this situation? Does putting yourself in another person’s position change your outlook on this

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