Personally, I love school and I love all of my classes. However, I still have my favorites, and those are the ones that make me think about the world I live in. Biology, physics, and world history are some examples because it urges me to question my surroundings. Social Justice has that aspect as well, so I can most definitely say it has the potential to be one of my favorite classes for this semester. On the first day, Mr. Vega did not hesitate to hit the ground running. He immediately began raising questions about society, politics, poverty, and much more. He taught about God’s role and our roles in social justice and then asked us what the title of the class means, “social justice.” After looking on Google and talking with my classmates, …show more content…
We read a prayer concerning social justice and discuss its meaning at the beginning of every class. Then, we conclude with a personal prayer either by a student or Mr. Vega (the teacher). This simple exercise taught me about the anxieties and worries of those who are experiencing injustice, especially people from poor countries. A prayer is different from a history book or a newspaper. It is filled with emotion and passion. So, whenever I read the prayer, I can feel the sufferings of those people who would pray these words, whether it is about war, poverty, crime, etc. As a result, I am more aware of the injustices of the world, and a passion is fostered within me to do something about it. These prayers led us to do a major homework assignment, “My Vision of a Just World.” The directions were, basically, to post images and text on a poster board of what a just world looked like to us. When it was due, many of my classmates had some really interesting opinions. Some topics that were mentioned were gender equality, health care, euthanasia, gay marriage, and gun control. And, what truly amazed me was that, overall, we had the same idea. We all wanted a world that is peaceful, equal, respectful, kind, fair, and …show more content…
The biggest obstacle is that what we want tends to block us from what others need. We want our way, our money, our life, and nobody else’s. I learned that sometimes, one must give up a piece of their pie so that others can have some. We must be willing to sacrifice our desires for social justice. More recently, we began reading and reflecting on God’s vision and Jesus’ vision of a just world. We found a lot of similarities between the two. God wants a world where people turn away from focusing on themselves and, instead, focus on others. He wants us to put others’ needs before our desires. In the same way, Jesus teaches that we should be merciful to those who sin and especially to those who persecute us. His vision of a just world is one where all accept everyone and put our attention to caring for others instead of our worldly possessions. Interestingly, these visions are not far from what we envisioned previously. We also desire a selfless world. We want equality and respect. So, if God wants a just world and we want a just world, we should work to create a just
“Since prayer was removed from public school classrooms in 1962, we have had a 6-fold increase in violent crime, our divorce rate has tripled,births to single mothers have increased 5-fold, the teenage suicide rate has tripled, and SAT scores have dropped 10%.(Creation Today). Reasons that represent why prayer and moments of silence should be allowed in the public school system will be expressed. This essay will represent the affirmative stance when regarding this topic of school wide prayer and moments of silence.
An ungodly, hateful, ruthless place to live for many people. Wars, famine, disease, greed, murder, rape, drug trafficking, child molestation, and more have led to the continual downfall of society. The most prevalent of all is greed. The love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV). A Christian Worldview could help tremendously with all of these problems. If humankind were to keep God in the center of their lives and follow His teachings every day, the world would be such a better place. Following Christ’s Word helps humanity to care for one another. It instills the importance to be humble, to serve, to love and take care of one another (Hiles & Smith, 2015). The image of God can be seen in those who follow Him. Christians get their strength from God. He gives peace to those who seek Him, and they are
Social justice courses are suppose to challenge mainstream ideologies; however when students are not prepared to hear this, they will shut it out and may lead them to question their place in society. This occurs when privilege, “isms”- racism, sexism, sexism- and the inequality that tends to be involved. This may also lead to students viewing themselves as “bad” because they are using a mainstream binary framework of good and bad. Though, using reaction to understand the material is very useful. One way that Sensoy and DiAngelo suggest changing these frameworks is through recognizing ones positionality and acknowledging the the dominant cultures knowledge is not the only truth.
When you look around and gaze at the beautiful creation before you, do you reflect on how amazing God is? God made the creation, man, and everything surrounding the two. There are many different worldviews. This paper will focus on the Christian worldview. The Christian worldview involves God, humanity, Jesus, and restoration.
Reynolds illustrates how there are a variety of different ways social justice can be taught, and explains how each teacher has a different way of implementing the same ideas. She provides examples of lessons a child might learn and the biases behind it teaching social justice. Reynolds is concerned with the age range of teaching social justice and when is considered the appropriate time. New teachers are now getting taught how to teach social justice within the class room, and the curriculum is changing to include aspects of social justice. Reynolds states how social justice is a branch off the bigger question of “who gets to decide the best
This essay is composed of facts supporting that prayer in Public Schools would be beneficial for the children and the United States of America. Prayer is an address to God or a god in word or thoughts. The Anti- Defamation League states that, “A moment of silence will inevitably be unconstitutional or the purpose and effect of such moments of silence are invariably to advance religion. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down requiring a moment of silence which students could use for silent prayer or meditation because it was enacted for the purpose of advancing religion. The Supreme Court has not determined if a moment of silence can ever be
Paul addresses several issues that can been seen in today’s society. Taking from the scriptures we can see that Paul’s understanding of God’s plan for his people is very clear. If we look at how our own lives we can relate to these eight chapters in Romans that we can see they have just as much meaning in Paul’s time as they do today. The letters that Paul writes to the Roman’s seems they are harsh, but if we look at them closer we can see it is God’s plan given to Paul for his people to follow.
Per the DVHS Handbook, missed class work and tests resulting from an excused absence must be completed within a reasonable period of time commensurate with the length of the absence.
Like a common thread intertwining the several heroes of social justice whom I have studied throughout the semester, the devotion to their own respective faith has empowered these individuals to dedicate their lives to the arduous task of representing the oppressed
God is concerned about the abuse of vulnerable people by those who wield power, be it in business, government, or religion, or even the halls of school. To “do justice” is to set things right with an eye toward the lot of the most vulnerable. “To love kindness” is to have loving-kindness flowing from us to others, just as God’s loving-kindness flows to us. This “kindness” maintains a loyal commitment to God and others that goes beyond the basic legal requirements. The motivating factor is not fear, or coercion, or manipulation; but,
God tells us that once we have become saved that we can acknowledge the truth. This truth being to fully open up our hearts, our minds, and our souls to let the almighty God help to guide and protect us. Once we become saved, this helps us to open our eyes and to change our ways, hence once we become saved and come to acknowledge this truth. This truth means different things to different people. I feel as though this truth means that God wants us to truly follow him. God wants us to follow the Ten Commandments, and God wants us to be good citizens. This has many different sub-categories underneath it. What I primarily, as a Christian believe, is that God wants us to truly love one another, to respect one another, to respect our environment, and to treat others with respect. There is so much hate in this world. Racisms, terrioust, and people just being mean to one another. This is not being a true Christian. Once we have become saved we need to open our eyes up to more than just following the Ten Commandments. We have to treat one another with respect and dignity. I have dealt with the hatred and meanness from people. I have dealt with people being racism and disrespectful to one another because of cultural or racial differences. This is not want God wanted from us. God wants us to love one. Terriosum is another thing that God does not care for. I feel
Over the last eight weeks, we have visited and deeply discussed many topics that surround social justice in the classroom. These topics have ranged from social justice in the world to how to create a socially just classroom and everything in between. In class, there has been a few times where it has been uncomfortable because the topics can bring out many opinions in the room. Many people in the room shared their opinions, including me, which brought up many other discussions. In this essay, I will be discussing our navigations through the social justice issues that classrooms face by talking about the key points of our class throughout the last eight weeks.
We can see that God not only cares about what His people are doing but How His people are treating those around them and the way that it reflects Him and what it says about His relationship between them and Him. This speaks to the fact that God wanted
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31) God here clearly states that he wants his creation to be just as benevolent as he is. This is a very possible task that can be achieved if applied to our daily lives.
Social justice is a concept of a society in which every human being is treated justly, without discrimination based on financial status, race, gender, ethnicity, etc. Grace is a gift from God that we don’t deserve, which helps us choose the good, therefore it promotes social justice. On the other hand, sin, which can be regarded as a lack of love and care for “others,” distances us from social justice. Therefore, love and grace are essential aspects of social justice and without them there could be