
Social Media And Media Sharing

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Social Media Sharing The practices that surround sharing on social media continue to evolve as sites age and news SMS are developed (Miller & Edwards, 2007). The rhetoric surrounding social media is interesting in that those who are not willing to share the details of their life are looked upon negatively in the public (Kennedy, 2013). Social media sharing is conducted as a way to intensify social relationships (Kennedy, 2014). Sharing on social media also provides anxiety of both oversharing, which will be discussed further in terms of changing definitions of privacy, and anxiety over how what has been shared will be received (Kennedy, 2014). However, communities have developed in which people share material about common interests (Baker, 2012). This sharing helps for form friendships and continue with activities that surround whatever might be the common interest (Baker, 2012). Social media is one of the ways in which mass communication tools that can reach a nearly limitless population are now being used to create virtual communities (Jones, 1998). Social media sharing extends our network of with whom we share social ties (Kennedy, 2015). The sharing of personal information such as that occurs on social media is inherently a social activity (Kennedy, 2015). Social media further aids people in maintaining bonds and creates a social culture (Miller & Edwards, 2007). This does not mean that the public considers everyone to be part of their audience. This occurs even if the

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