
Social Media And Stereotypes

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With the increase of negative social conceptions associated with Islam and terrorism, Muslims face many adversities such as stereotyping, the criminalization of the Islamic religion, and discrimination against the majority based on the few extremists. Negatively stereotyping a group of people based on the actions of few extremists can greatly affect those of that group. People that practice Islam, especially youth, are often bullied for their religious views, and face many micro aggressions, such as the portrayal of Muslims in the media often cast as “the enemy” in movies/TV shows/etc., news coverage that concerns Islam is usable talking about terrorism, etc. These views are harmful and put a negative light on a peaceful religion by linking …show more content…

Most of the negative stereotypes that are associated with Islam are due to Islamophobia, and societies overestimating the number of Muslims that are radicals. Another factor that contribute is the miscommunication on both side through social media. Islamophobia is define as “a contrived fear or prejudice fomented by the existing Eurocentric and Orientalist global power structure. It is directed at a perceived or real Muslim threat through the preservation and extension of existing disparities in economic, political, social and cultural relations, while rationalizing the necessity to deploy violence as a tool to achieve "civilizational rehab" of the target communities (Muslim or otherwise). ”(University California, Berkley) the main ideas that surround Islamophobia is that Islam is uniform and cannot adapt to new realities, They do not share common morals with other major faiths, as a religion it is inferior to the West, It is old-fashioned, barbaric, and illogical, it is a religion of violence and supports terrorism and that Islam is a violent political ideology. (University California, Berkley) Islamophobia exits mostly in the western part of the world, where the society dose not know what Islam is and what it stands for or misunderstands it due to miscommunication thought media. Islamophobia affects all Muslims around the world, …show more content…

This is because of a pre-existing opinion that all Muslims are different from the rest of Canadian society, alongside with negative connotations of their communities with violence and terrorism. The fear that Muslims are different form the rest of the society strengthened others perceptive that Islam is connected to violence and terrorism. The Criminalization of the Islamic religion is because of the few extremists that associate their horrible action in the name of Islam. For example the Taliban’s fundamentalist proscriptions and limitations in Afghanistan, the Charlie Hebdo attack in France, and the emergence of the self proclaimed “Islamic State group (ISIS) which supposedly shows videos of the beheadings of their prisoners who are often journalists. Although the main factor of Criminalization of the Islamic religion is because people think that all Muslims are violent, barbaric, and that they are all assocted with a terriest group called isis a Recent surveys show that in several countries with significant high Muslim populations have an disapproving view of ISIS, including virtually all respondents in Lebanon and 94% in Jordan. (pew,2015)also most Muslims generally say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified. Muslims are often Discrimination against because of the actions of very

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