
Social Networking

Good Essays

This morning I woke up, and the first thing I did was pick up my phone and check my Facebook. I noticed that I had a few notifications: one friend request from an unknown person; automatically declined, a few likes on my most recent status, and something that seemed to be a little surprising to me—four comments on the photo from Atlantic City last weekend. This was the only notification that caught my eye, so I clicked it. The photo was a picture of me, my boyfriend, and my parents in a casino. We were posed in the entry where you could see a bar and slot machines behind us; nothing classless, just a casual picture. However, I noticed a few people had commented what they initially thought of the picture. One of them stated, “What is a girl …show more content…

By you expressing what you choose to- the true facts about you- demonstrate that you are the person you want and choose to be. No individual should make someone consider changing their online profile to save themselves the grief of not having to share with each person exactly what goes on in their life. My solution to all of this is: either put in on the internet, or keep it off. If you are so worried about what this person and that person is going to think, save yourself the trouble, and keep it off altogether. On a side note, nobody cares what you do or don’t do. Towards the end of this segment the author started to see things my way. She stated, “Online identity is an odd sort of shrine: It is not for a fixed deity but for a constantly changing self-representation, an incongruous self.” (Sethi 62) She then mentions that there isn’t enough time to constantly alter her profile for those who choose to view it. She is absolutely right, she shouldn’t have to change her profile for anybody. If someone is unhappy with what she decides to post on her profile, she should do what I did and just block them from her friends list, because those people who choose to wrongfully judge her, aren’t her real friends. In the long run, Sethi accepts herself for who she is, and now allows her family members, friends, and even students to visit

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