
Social Norms In Sociology

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There is a reason behind almost everything that humans do during everyday life. However, we do not think about why we waved back at the person across the street, we just do it. Interpreting that person’s wave and reacting to it by waving back, smiling, or nodding is a part of sociology. After taking a sociology class you realize all these everyday behaviors have meaning. Now, all of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I get into an elevator, wait in line at the grocery store, or even how I view myself. There are these things in sociology called social norms. From the class lecture, social norms are defined as shared expectations or unwritten rules of society. What is odd about social norms is that they are not typically taught to us. An example of a social norm would be how I act on an elevator. I thought back to the last time I got onto an elevator alone. I was at the doctor’s office and at first I was the only one on the elevator, which is ideal. However, on the third floor the elevator stopped to let other people on. I, myself, gave a soft smile to the people getting on, then immediately looked down at my phone. The 3 other people on the elevator either did the exact same thing or just looked straight forward. I then noticed where everyone stood in the elevator. Everyone kept a fair amount of space between one another and stayed to the sides of elevator as much as possible. Once we reached our floor number everyone exited without saying a word. The way we all behaved is the social norm, it is expected, common behavior. No one was taught in school or by their parents the proper way to act on an elevator, we all just know. Not often, but occasionally a social norm will be broken. If I was on the elevator and the 3 people that got on after me would of started asking me questions about why I was at the doctor’s office, or if they would of stood very close to me, that would be breaking the social norm. When someone breaks a social norm, sociologists call that social deviance. I remember a time in my life when I witnessed someone being socially deviant. I was in a high school English class with about 30 students in it. The teacher was up at the board giving a lesson. The social norm for us

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