
Social Perceptions Of Csr Line Up With Their Concurrent Expectations From The Company

Decent Essays

This research has primarily emphasized the importance of CSR to both individuals and the community at large, but one question remains underexplored: how do consumer perceptions of CSR line up with their concurrent expectations from the company? The literature shows little agreement; definitions are murky and left to individualized scholars, and evaluation of company’s efforts, as previously discussed, are difficult to present to major shareholders within a company, to say nothing of informing consumers. Consumer Perceptions Those who are being served (i.e. shareholders or high-need populations) are the ones who know the most regarding the importance of CSR initiative, and those who don’t know often don’t because barriers to entry are …show more content…

Walther et al. (2010) presented an interesting caveat to this discussion of consumer population makeup, with consumers both informed and casual responding to cues at the point of sale. However, this study forms a stopgap towards a truly symbiotic relationship with consumers. As with major issues in society, a major panacea exists in the form of proper education. A recent study showed that sound and informative communication channels based in information stemming from food purchases could effectively induce consumers to consider brands actively participating in CSR initiative (Devviney et al., 2010). Mohr et al. (2001) executed interviews to investigate what consumers believe to be the real motives of firms to engage in CSR. Mohr et al. created four categories of company motives based on the answers of the respondents: “(1) rewards sought for the firm itself, (2) rewards sought mostly for the firm but partly for others, (3) rewards sought mostly for others but partly for the firm, and (4) rewards sought solely for others” (p. 59). The results of Mohr et al. (2001) indicate that only 7% (3 out of 41 respondents) considers the motives of the firm to be truly altruistic. 29%, almost one third, believes that firms only incorporate CSR out of totally self-interested behavior. However, most of the respondents believe that there are mixed motives as to why firms engage in CSR. A consumer’s perception on the motives of the firm is very

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