
Social Psychological Concepts In The Movie Crash

Decent Essays

Social psychological concepts in movie “Crash”. Movie “Crash” tells us a story about interactions between people who belong to different cultures, races and social-economic status’, the whole story takes places in Los Angeles and lasts for two days. While watching the movie “Crash”, we can see which actions all these people take towards each other and how actions of one person can affect another persons life in spite the fact to which group a person belongs to. Main characters of the movie are Farhad (Persian man who runs his small convenient shop), Daniel (Latino lockmaster with his wife and small daughter), Rick and Jean (white upper-class couple), Anthony and Peter (two black friends who are thieves), John (white racist police officer), Cameron and Christine (black wealthy couple) and others. In my paper I will try to relate several social psychological theories and concepts to the movie. First concept I want to discuss is called instrumental aggression. Instrumental is the opposite type of aggression comparing to hostile aggression, because person who makes the act of aggression is doing it cold-blooded, having a special aim to hurt somebody rather than cause pain. The situation from the movie, which greatly illustrates this concept is the moment while Cameron and …show more content…

This kind of concept can be described as a fear that person will confirm negative stereotype about the group he or she belong to. Approximately in the middle of the movie, Anthony and Peter are walking down the street, Anthony’s car didn’t start, so Peter offers him to catch the bus. Anthony declines his offer because he thinks that ride in a bus is an embarrassing thing for him, because only poor black people take the bus, so he insists to keep walking. In my opinion, this example greatly illustrates stereotype threat, because Anthony doesn’t want to be confused with poor black people which usually take the bus, due to the

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