
Social Security: What Qualifies As Disability?

Decent Essays

Strategy is an important part of any case, even a seemingly cut and dry disability case. If you’re thinking about applying for disability benefits, or any other form of benefits through Social Security, there are a few strategies to keep in mind. Use these strategies and you’ll have a better chance at succeeding with the case.

What Qualifies as “Disability”?

In order to be considered for Social Security benefits for your disability, your case has to meet the definition provided by the Social Security Administration. According to the Administration, disability is based on your inability to do work, and must be total disability. Unlike other programs, the Social Security Administration only pays for total disability, not partial or short-term.

So what qualifies? Well, for a more specific definition, the SSA website explains that you must not be able to do work that you did before, or you cannot adjust to your work due to medical conditions to be …show more content…

If you are working in the current year that you apply for disability and earn more than $1,130 per month on average, you will not be considered for disability benefits. Judging from how much your are able to work, the SSA will then look at the severity of your disability and whether it falls under the list of disabling conditions. If your condition is listed, it automatically means your case is severe enough to be considered disabled. Then, depending on how severe your condition is, the Administration looks at whether you can complete the same amount of work you did previously. If your disability interferes with your work, then you can still be considered. Lastly, they look at whether you can adjust to other types of work. If so, then your application will be

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