
Social Work Practice Reflection

Decent Essays

1) Reflecting on what you have learned in Generalist Social Work Practice, what have you found to be your strengths?
My strength and my passion for this field continues to be my empathy and compassion for others. However, in reflecting on my first year of graduate school I could recognized my efforts in trying to identify how I can put myself in client’s shoes and tried to imagine what they are going through before making any judgment. I also realized that I wanted to understand them and wanted to find out what could have led client to behave in ways that society would not approve of. I realized that I being able to put my opinion and bias aside and try to listen to their story without discrimination or passing judgement on them.

2) What …show more content…

However, the first thing I learned is that I no longer want to rescue or take away my client’s pain. I learned that I want to empower them to do this for themselves. I learned that the experts are the clients and not I. I learned that by not rescuing them I will be able to help them more effectively by giving them the tools that they need to make better choices for themselves. I also learned about myself and how the more I learn about myself the more effective I will be in working with clients one day. Learning about myself first, my bias, my own prejudice and bring my own experience whether is at a micro, mezzo, or macro levels will contribute to my own narrative story because my story also matters. I also learned while learning about critical race theory that I have multiple identities (intersectionality) and how with each identity it brought a different experience in my life; also, depending on each identity I was put on a privilege or disadvantage position in society. Also, learning about CRT I been given a different set of glasses to look at all the isms and how they affect people. I also learned that I been very resilience with the challenges that I had to face in my life and that I could become an agent of change because I could change a very negative experience into a positive one. I learned that an agent of change tries to get clients to make changes that they are resistant to

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