I am applying for a social work practicum placement at the Veterans Administration Medical Center. I admire the great work the VA does by providing veterans with services necessary to their overall health. As a clinical year MSW student intern, this placement is an excellent opportunity to not only expand my knowledge base, but also contribute to the operations of the medical center. Veteran's mental health is unique in that the onsets of disorders are often things we civilians cannot relate to, and the challenge of working in that type of environment excites and drives me.
An intern position at the Veterans Administration Medical Center interests me because I see the importance of working with adults who are experiencing mental illness, especially
Regarding the week three assignment of the COUN. 725 course, the organization I wish to work in is the Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital. The VA is a department which helps veterans and relatives or dependents of the veterans through services, resources, education, therapy, etc.
My hopes are that by gaining a social work education, I will be able to help address the tensions I have with the literature by working with veterans and their families to remedy said barriers to care. Whether working for a local community mental health organization, or the VHA, I can use the skills I’m learning in my educational program to help rural veterans find the care they so deserve.
As I prepare for the second year of the master’s program, there are three interviews that I must attend to get into my second year placement. Interviews itself can be challenging because they tend to be unpredictable and nerve-racking. The interview can take place with one interviewer or a panel of interviews. To better prepare for this challenge Professor Sears provided the class with a handout of questions to prepare for the placement interview. The three questions I am struggling with are the following:
The specific area of interest within human services is mental health facilitation. I was raised in a household where all adults were involved in health care in one form or another. My maternal grandmother was an LPN and my mother is a Mental Health Counselor. Of course, my mother’s interest soon became my own, which inspired me to volunteer at mental health organizations even at the age of ten, where I spent my afternoons with helping with children suffering from mental retardation. An additional factor for my career decisions was, at the age of 21, I was diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder with suicidal ideations. It took several years for me to learn to manage my disorders and become a participating member
I am a student with a unique passion to help Military Veterans returning from the war and there will be a growing need for counselors in the military as they begin to return from war. This program will require a great amount of personal commitment and I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Argosy is choosing a qualified candidate who will take this program seriously and professionally.
Many veterans are underserved and need tremendous help. Due to increased deployment and the veteran population increasing; there is a large demand for social workers to provide them with supportive services. Many veterans struggle with readjusting to civilian life after deployment, while others struggle with invisible mental wounds from war trauma. Unfortunately, many of these veterans are returning to the United States without adequate support services and their human rights are being compromised. The social work profession is dedicated to serving the nation’s veterans. Social workers strive to empower the veteran population and support recovery to meet each and every individual need.
With your extensive background in serving underprivileged individuals in the healthcare system, I am sure you can figure out a way to apply your skills and invoke positive change for any organization serving our veterans.
Educational methods for evaluating depression care skills must include interactive performance-based strategies, common in other helping professions. For social work students, clinical exposure via field internships focused on geriatric depression care is one valuable method. However, not all students are offered these
Working as a mental health and substance abuse use social you do many things in your job.You evaluate and treat mental,emotional or substance abuse problems including alcohol,tobacco,and other drugs.Activities include group therapy and case management and support. You must have active listening,able to speak to others,reading to read documents work related and documenting the patient's actions.You could work anymore like your own office or a hospital setting or anywhere that you work for.Many colleges offer this program.
After the completion of graduation, I intend to work with mental health patients within the correctional system. I understand that I need to further my education in order to be a licensed psychologist, so therefore I intend to do so at an accredited university. Mental health has been an intense interest of mine since a tragedy a few years ago. Depression stole my life, just like it steals thousands of lives every year. I had no idea what I was drowning in. Depression followed me like a shadow and consumed me like a tornado. It blinded me from being the perfectionist I once was. So much was expected from me, so much was assumed for me to be able to conquer. By outward appearance I had it all going for me; I had received a division one athletic
This semester, I’m enrolled in the Clinical Practice with the Military Family to increase my knowledge and understanding when working military families. As a military sub-concentration student, this course will provide the necessary skills and knowledge needed to enhance my work as an effective military social worker. I’ve been at my placement now for about nine weeks and I am getting more comfortable in interacting and using different psychotherapy techniques with my clients. The clients that I am assigned are diagnosed with anxiety, depression, bipolar and schizophrenia. Even though I’m not working with military families in my placement, I believe that the knowledge that I am gaining in class about clinical practice with military family will be helpful in my future work and it can also be helpful in my current placement.
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is a national association of educational programs and individuals that confirms and improves the quality of social work education to become a professional job. CSWE puts in a countless amount of effort to strive for this mission by setting up a bachelor's and master’s degree programs in social work. On the other hand, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world, with approximately 132,000 members. To be more specific, NASW has a determination to intensify the maturity and developmental process of its members. The main goal is to retain professional standards and to create fair social policies. NASW progresses
This is Journal #9. My placement is at Weakley County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Dresden, Tennessee. The ninth day I attended my placement was on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. I volunteered from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
A social worker’s field placement and internship experience are the uttermost integral component of his or her social work education. This experience can vary in both quantity and quality depending on the type of leadership and guidance the social worker is receiving. Supervisors play a fundamental role in the guidance and training of a new social worker during his or her internship. Having similar work styles as your supervisor can lead to a satisfying field placement experience.
Social Work Practicum 1 is one of the best courses I have ever partake in. It has left me with so much useful knowledge and a strong willingness to keep growing and doing the best I possibly can. We have done so many activities over the course of 3 months and I have become a better person and budding Social Worker because it. Yes, I have so much more to learn and I will walk into any situation with an open mind and the willingness to learn.