
Socioeconomic Class In Relation To Education

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Socioeconomic Class in Relation to Education
A new study found that 38 of America’s most elite colleges contain more students in the top 1% compared to the lower 60% of the income scale (Aisch). The relationship between Socioeconomic Class and higher education choice has a correlation one might miss. To know the effect class has on education and certain standings in society, one must know what this type of class is. Collegiate educational choices are influenced by Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The classes in the U.S. vary from each home and family, but what class does the average American fall into? First, a citizen must realize there are more than the 3 classes of poor, middle and wealthy that he frequently throws himself into. According …show more content…

In a perfect world, a student chooses his own path because of his opinion and past, not because of what the data says he is supposed to. “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine” - Bruce Lee (Lee). This is a truth that can be translated into every aspect of daily life. Does a student who is an African American from a household with an extremely low income have to drop out of college or go to an HBCU? Not by any means, although the facts feel like a jail cell, each person is different. Steve Jobs was put up for adoption and taken in by a poor working class family. He went through high school and finally made it to college, only to drop out after the first semester because of cost. He lived off of free meals after dropping out. Then, with his friend Steve Wozniak and each of their fascinations with technology, they sold their belongings to start Apple. Apple is now a multi-million dollar company that was started from a garage (Koyle). Situation and data do not have to direct one's path, but one's work ethic and personal goals can. The relationship between socioeconomic class is now much clearer because of an intricate dissection and insightful comparison. Character and heart can overpower the influences of Socioeconomic Class and class factors. The class that an American falls into is a generality not a laser focused science on a single individual. Look at the class and find a way out. As Philippians 4:13 states, “I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Holy Bible Holman Christian Standard Bible, Phil. 4:13). No matter the circumstance with God’s strength and the work ethic all is

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