
Sociological Analysis Paper

Decent Essays

Analysis Plan
I analyzed the data using the constant comparative method as found within the field of sociology. The constant comparative method consists of analyzing a single interview for themes, then using these themes to analyze the remaining interviews (Boeije 2002). The interviews are also analyzed against themselves to discover new themes and alter the beginning themes. In addition, the interview data will be compared between the gender of the interviewees, the roles of the interviewees, and the phase during which they were interviewed. The observation data is analyzed in a similar manner, however instead of comparing interviews the different observation sessions will be compared to first the initial observation session and then between days of the week and time of the day.
The coding sheets for the interview questions and the coding sheets for my observations were coded following three themes with a handful of subthemes. The observation data was coded using three …show more content…

The information from the interviews were first divided into two “location” sub-sets: The Bar and Boystown. The next layer of code types beneath the Boystown heading were “community” and “discrimination”. The data that fell under the community heading were further divided into “safety”, times when the interviewee discussed how safe or un-safe they felt in the neighborhood and why, and “change”. Within the “change” sub-section are the sections called “gentrification” and “migration” where statements made by interviewees about the gentrification of Boystown or LGBT individuals moving from the area and non-LGBT individuals moving into the neighborhood were respectively sorted. The discrimination subsection was divided between “exclusion”, which would encompass any mention of groups or individuals being excluded from Boystown, and “other”, which was used to code any other form of discrimination within Boystown mentioned by the

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