
Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach

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Firstly, a key influence on retirement is gender. James M. Henslin, author of “Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach” uses the term gender age to describe how gender has influence on retirement. Gender age can be portrayed as the relative value assigned to men and women by their length of life (Henslin, 372). Symbolic interactionists use four factors to determine whether a person is considered old or not. These include biology, personal history, gender age, and societies idea of old (Henslin, 372). This is significant since gender age plays a crucial role in determining when age cohorts, or people born at around similar time and progress through life in conjunction, are considered old in societies standards. In addition, not only gender, but …show more content…

Research has shown projections looking at the racial diversity of America’s aging population and found that the population of non-white people ages 65 and older could increase (Jacobsen, Kent, Lee & Mather, 4). In a study done by the Population Reference Bureau it was predicted that, “ Minorities, which currently account for 35 percent of the U.S. population, are projected to reach 50 percent of the population by around 2042” (Jacobsen et. al, 4). With projected minorities expected to flourish in the future it is important to apprehend that as elderly minorities augment, there could be a corresponding economic decline. Economic decadence in the elderly has substantial influence on when society determines at what age cohorts satisfy societies retirement criteria. In a study done by Henslin it was found that “elderly whites were less likely to be poor than African Americans and Latinos” (386). Poverty in the elderly varies greatly by race, however, it is only one of many factors that influence when people …show more content…

Social class has three key influences these include economic status, education, and occupational prestige. Social class is defined by Henslin as, “[A] large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige” (101). Social class is a significant factor for not only retirement but also both in the development and social life of people. In a bulletin by Melissa A. Z. Knoll it was found that those with poor health or family with poor health tended to retire earlier. Along with health, research also found that “[I]ndividuals who enjoy a higher socioeconomic status (SES) tend to work longer than lower SES individuals (Li, Hurd, and Loughran 2008)” (Knoll, 15). People that have the luxury of a higher socioeconomic class have aid available to them to remain healthy contrasting those of lower socioeconomic class. In other words, social class has a crucial role in individuals access to healthcare. This is significant due to social classes impact on access to healthcare. To illustrate, in a journal by Samuel O. Salami, a senior lecturer on sabbatical leave at the department of guidance and counselling at Kampala International University, it was determined that social status and retirement had copious correlations. Research revealed that “After retirement, social status is reduced since occupational prestige is also reduced” (Salami, 50) however, it was found that there was not momentous effects on social

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