
Sociology : Defining Human Behavior

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Sociology: Defining Human Behavior Sociology helps us to understand how human behavior is influenced by social and cultural forces and also, how society and culture are influenced by individual behavior.
Providing ways to understand why and how society functions, we ask ourselves how sociology helps us to understand how human behavior is guided by social and cultural forces. First of all, let us look at the meaning of sociology: “the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings”. ("Merriam-Webster Full Definition of Sociology," n.d.). Knowing this, we can begin to come to an answer about how it helps us to think, feel and act according to the influence of our cultures and the society around us. Gathering information on how we as individuals and groups respond to our cultural beliefs as well as the social world that surrounds us is the job of a sociologist. Society influences both human behavior and attitudes and this differs depending on the groups we are a part of. Take for example the observation made by Ruth Horowitz, a professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, where she observed a lower-class Chicano neighborhood in Chicago. Horowitz discovered how the notion of “honor” drove young men to depart from the accepted standards. She formulized, “A real man has honor. An insult is a thread to that honor. Therefore, not to stand up to someone is to be less than a real man.”

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