
Sociology On Suicide

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Why Adolescents take their own lives could happen for a number of reasons. Do those reasons initiate an attempt at suicide and what aspects lead to suicidal tendencies? The problem of adolescent suicide is complex and not well understood by those who have not experienced or studied it. The current views on adolescent suicide can be thought to be partially the result of one’s sociology.

Sociology is the study of social behavior in people and it is vital to look to sociology for reasons regarding suicide and ways of prevention. Sociological views of suicide stress the role that society take part in instances of self-destructive behaviour. Such views will predominantly focus on either social patterns or conditions. Sociologist, Emile Durkheim …show more content…

Most suicidal successes are in males, who tend to use weapons for self destruction, whereas females often use medication as to seem accidental. In studies, “around 30% of high school students thought about suicide, 15% had a plan and half of those made an attempt” (Pena). Suicide affects adolescents of all races and social standings and two leading causes of suicide in adolescents are “mental disorders and issues within the family unit” (Hamilton). Almost all of teen suicide victims have one or more diagnosable illnesses, which are most often mental disorders like depression, substance abuse or behavior disorders. Sadly, “less than half of victims had doctors with knowledge of their condition and half of them had treatment options” (Bossarte). The pressures of life, family, friends and competition for success in academics only increases the stress of developing adolescents. Adolescents feel that they are alone and that they cannot confide in others about their problems, which could be why they resort to drastic actions.Without the feeling of support and understanding of those around them, adolescents see no means of trying, and give up without continually pursuing their potential in

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