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> The sociological perspective is described as seeing the general in the particular. In this essay I will attempt to apply the sociological perspective to analyze song lyrics from the first verse of the song My Block by Tupac Shakur (see appendix for lyrics). Tupac (1971-1996) is the most famous gangster rap artist of all times. He was well known for his lyrics and their ability to express the grief of the Black community. He was an advocate for Black rights and very much against the societal system and class societies. Many say he exaggerated the conditions under which the Black community and the lower class were in because he was a wealthy man rapping about suppression. To other’s he was part of the …show more content…

If this form of authority is not applied, society may be forced into a state of anarchy, which is a result of anomie in individuals. Anomie as described by Emile Durkheim as a feeling of normlessness which is a result of detachment from the rest of society. Therefore, the application of authority in the form of laws and legislations is perceived as a norm, and it is the societal norm to abide by the authority. However, if we consider that authority is a construct of the bourgeois class then we can see how authority, though a tool meant to keep society from a state of anarchy, is just a way of keeping individuals in a state of silence.
>Different ideas-One people
> Tupac’s main target audience is a sub-culture of the larger Black community. “Subcultures are distinct from the larger culture but borrow (and often distort, exaggerate, or invert) its symbols, values, and beliefs” (Concise Oxford 650 ). In Tupac’s subculture, they distort the belief that all the members of the larger Black community are negatively affected by the use of authority and other forms of social control; therefore creating a misrepresentation. However, one may argue that this sub-culture arose from the Black community to serve as an ambassador on the radical level of the social tug of war. The Oxford Dictionary of Sociology states that:
> subcultures can arise as forms of symbolic resistance within

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