
Socrates Piety Analysis

Decent Essays

A teacher is one who teaches or instructs, according to the Webster dictionary, but a good teacher has less than technical definition. They ask their students questions, instead of giving answers, to further the student’s thinking and make it more clear and more refined. Good teachers do not lecture and spew knowledge and facts onto their listeners, rather they engage their students to think critically and to think for themselves. Socrates was in no way conventional and was widely known for pushing buttons of the people of Athens who thought they knew what they were talking about. While pushing these people to think in a different manner, he was showing them that they don’t know as much as they thought they knew by asking simple questions …show more content…

Euthyphro tries and tries again to reformulate his definition of piety to please Socrates. After the conversation, Euthyphro ended the conversation by quickly wrapping it up and left Socrates without a proper definition. Even though the conversation was left open-ended, Euthyphro walked away knowing less than when he first came, but now he knew what he didn’t know. While his methods were infuriating, Socrates imparted on his listeners the knowledge of the things they did not know and the skills to think critically by playing the fool. He used his ignorance to ask people for definitions of ethical concepts, like piety or virtues, then point out the inconsistencies and contradictions in their answer. This would stir up trouble and drama as these were usually public events and most did not want to know their limitations about their skills and knowledge. Socrates fits the definition of a teacher perfectly. He taught others not by telling them what is right or wrong, but by letting them find out for themselves with some of his help. He would refine others’ ideas by questioning them and having them refined multiple times until he was sure there were no problems with the idea, be it contradictions or lacking sense and rational thought. After all, Socrates called himself a midwife to others’ ideas. “I know nothing other than my own ignorance” He would ask simple questions that eventually led up to numerous rounds of question and

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