
Socrates Political Martyr Analysis

Decent Essays

lato 1. Is Socrates a political Martyr?
Socrates’ teachings of philosophy are to reveal thinking in its true purity. His principles and teachings are very important to him as a person. It is arguable that at the end of the Apology, Socrates contrasts the meaning of a political martyr. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, a martyr is, “A person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle.” Socrates has no fear of death in its entirety because he believes that death is the deepest sleep or migration. Therefore, he sees the afterlife as a placeholder for the world and things that reality can no longer produce.
The deep sleep is one of those nights to which the person has no dream or …show more content…

This reinforces the idea that giving up his life is not sacrifice to him. Socrates values the truth, yet he knows that he does not have the truth. Socrates believes that dying is not a consequence for himself, but rather for the people of Athens. They can choose to listen to him now, or wait for someone else to come along again to challenge them. Therefore, Socrates can die, and would rather die because at least he has the chance to continue speaking after his death. To conclude, although Socrates’ death may have been voluntarily, it is not noble.

Plato 4. Discuss how Socrates appeals for his own defense in his Apology. Specifically, his ideals.
In the Apology, Socrates is standing before the judges for his trial of corruption of the youth and questioning the gods. Socrates is supposed to employ a defensive speech to persuade the judges of his innocence. However, he appeals for his own defense by protecting his public image. His rhetoric and speech to the men of Athens does not go for their emotions or to aid his situation. Instead, he tells the jury a story about how the Delphic Oracle told him he was the wisest man. Socrates believes that people may have a false connotation of the Delphic Oracle, and claims that by acknowledging his ignorance, he knows that he does not know. This has stark contrast to those who Socrates challenges after speaking to the Delphic Oracle because these people are ignorant to their

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