
Solar Energy Technology And Its Policies

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Solar Energy Technology and its Policies
Increased energy consumption in the world today is a growing concern. Most of the energy consumption today comes from fossil fuels. Fossil fuels mainly consist of oil, coal, and natural gas as the most commonly used ones. These products are non-renewable sources meaning that one day it will be all used up. But the issues with fossil fuels extend past its eventual finish, the burning of them leads to greenhouse gas emissions and in non-producing countries there is a higher dependency on imports most especially from politically unstable countries who export them. With all the problems fossil fuels bring, the world is trying to find a cleaner and more efficient way of generating energy. That has been partially accomplished with the use of renewable sources such as wind, biofuels, solar, nuclear and the list goes on. In this paper, I am going to concentrate more on solar energy. Solar is the Latin word for sun therefore, solar energy means energy from the sun. Amongst the different renewable sources, solar is one the least used sources in energy production. Figure 1: Solar Panel Array
Solar is the Latin word for sun therefore, solar energy means energy from the sun. The main equipment used for converting sunlight into electricity is the solar panel. The solar panel is made from solar cells also called photovoltaic (PV) cells. The name is derived from the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage) which is known as

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