
Solar Power : The Pros And Uses Of Solar Energy

Decent Essays

One of the greenest forms of energy developed by technology is solar energy. Generally speaking, it is the energy taken by the sun and converted into a power source that is usable in everyday life. The United States Department of Energy defines solar energy as: “Electromagnetic energy transmitted from the sun (solar radiation). The amount that reaches the earth is equal to one billionth of total solar energy generated, or the equivalent of about 420 trillion kilowatt-hours” (Department of Energy S). This energy is gained by solar panels that collect energy from the sun. Panels can be used for power in almost any structure, from a handheld calculator to solar-powered homes and cars. Solar energy is very useful, albeit that it does have negative effects. For example, you cannot use solar energy all the time. It is only available when the sun is visible from the sky, and cannot be seen at times such as in bad weather, or at night. A positive to using solar energy is that when it is accessible, a vast amount of energy can be produced. The sun, after all, is a gigantic sphere of fiery plasma our solar system and Earth depend upon, which of course, provides a large surplus of energy: “Just 18 days of sunshine on Earth contains the same amount of energy as is stored in all of the planet's reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas...Once it reaches the atmosphere, about one-third of this light is reflected back into space, while the rest continues toward Earth’s surface.” (Union of Concerned Scientists 1) Because of the sun, solar power will never run out for humans. As long as our species lives, we can depend on solar energy when it is visible to provide energy to our homes, businesses and personal property. The issue of the sun dying and solar energy no longer being available isn’t an issue to humans, as we would plummet into extinction with the rest of Earth if the sun couldn’t provide heat. Thus, solar energy is one of the few sources available to humans that will never run out for the duration of our existence on Earth. The sun’s vast amount of energy is what makes solar power so effective: “The sun's light (and all light) contains energy. Usually, when light hits an object the energy turns into heat, like the

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