
Song Of Solomon Analysis

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Solomon By Toni Morrison LAP by Frank Palma

From the division of humans to the species that captivate our souls and further categorized into regions, religion, sex, but most evidently, race. As it appears through different mediums and encountered by millions; race inequality has devoured our society structurally and has distilled humans, leaving some without a purpose, others lost in pressure opposed by society and others that have managed to live in such conformities as their opposers. Consequently, it has partially casted races into never-ending shadows . In the book Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison, various male characters have distinguishable attitudes toward race. Macon Dead, the father of Milkman the protagonist father, demonstrates his racial view by his his selfish and miser persona. His ambition to become wealthier drives racial importance out of the scene. With Guitar, Milkman’s best friend, builds this racial consumption that eats him the inside that builds up through the book. He take this problem into his own hands with his cult, The Seven Days. Lastly, Solomon, Macon’s father, demonstrates his perspective with race as he escapes reality for a better life for himself. Depicted as the miserly and cantankerous character, Macon Dead, the father of the protagonist has demonstrated his views on different aspects of race by his startling actions. As the book progresses is it evident that Macon has negative perspective towards his

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