
Sonora Cross-Country Team Case Study

Decent Essays

The Sonora Cross-Country team raced Friday at the Twilight Classic at Shadow Mountain Park, in Sparks, NV. All races were 2.48 miles. Jackson Mcllroy finished first out of 64 runner and six teams with a time of 13:39. He beat his 2014 time by 41-seconds. Patrick McConnell came in ninth with 14:31; Ian Smith 17th with 15:15; Kiernan Kostlivy 41st, 16:53 and Gonzalo Pazoz finished 62nd with 18:44. “Jackson (Mcllroy) had a great start and owned his race,” said Sonora head coach Glenn Bass. “He would have also won the large school race. Patrick (McConnell) looked very strong and did a nice PR for the course. Ian (Smith) PR’d by almost a full minute. Kiernan (Kostlivy) did a fine job and gained some great experience. Gonzalo (Pazoz) ran his first ever cross country race, with some mileage under his belt he will get …show more content…

They finished behind South Tahoe, 35; Dayton, 76; and Selma, 87. The ‘Cats finished in front of Sierra Lutheran, who finished with a score of 90, Cassie Land finished first out of 26 girls with a final time of 15:18. She, like Mcllroy, improved from her 2014 time by 50-seconds. Victoria French was the third to cross the finish line with a time of 16:47; Matteson Burgess finished 10th with a 18:13; Kaarina Thompson finished 15th with a 19:03; Natalie Hawks came in 16th with 19:04, and Kennedy Bruce finished in 18th place with a 19:21. “Cassie also had another fantastic race won by 27 seconds, and set a new PR,” Bass said. “Victoria (French) ran well despite feeling under the weather and ran a new PR for this course. Matteson (Burgess) just cruised. I missed her at the mile mark because she was faster than I had expected. Kaarina (Thompson) and Natalie (Hawks) cruised the course together and finished strong. Kaarina’s new PR was outstanding and all her hard work is showing. What a treat to have full ladies team on the course. Nice way to start the season, too, with three good

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