
Sourdi And Nea Relationship

Decent Essays

Have you ever been so close to a loved one that every action they take, you would have to always watch over them because they could be doing something that is not what is best for them? Nae loves her sister Sourdi so much that she tries to save her sister from the choices she had made or is about to make. At one point of the story, Nea would even die for Sourdi. Their strong connection changed throughout the years because of the maturity level that Sourdi was going through, while Nea was stuck in the past. Throughout this essay, I will discuss how Nea truly cares for her sister, Sourdi, and how she was unconscious about what she has been doing, making their relationship weaker. The short story began by showing us a little personality from both characters. Nea being the one who does not think about any consequences for the actions and she would most likely express what she is feeling at any given moment. When Sourdi and Nea were alone working at their …show more content…

She felt that Nea had acted irresponsibly and hoped that she regretted the way she behaved. Sourdi expressed her concern when she told Nea, “Oh, no, Nea. Don’t ever say that. Don’t ever talk like that.” (Chai, 183). Sourdi doesn't like that Nea was acting reckless. Nea had said, “I don’t care… I shoulda killed him! I shoulda killed that sucker!” (Chai, 182). Sourdi was shocked that her little sister would say something so aggressive. She looked at her sister like “Like a big bomb was ticking behind her eyes.” (Chai, 182). Nea was shocked that her sister could look at her like that but she was felt the same way also. Sourdi cares for her little sister, and the way she acted scared her. She doesn’t want her sister acting like someone without any morals. She was so scared for her sister to the point that she grabbed her and shaked her. Sourdi’s affection for her sister is great and she would do and say anything to keep her on the right

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