
Analysis Of South Wind In Oklahoma By Marilyn Hillery

Decent Essays

When I first walked into the museum, the art piece South Wind in Oklahoma by Marilyn Hillery was the first to catch my attention. I tried to look at the other paintings, but I keep going back to this one. The colors and the way the painting is done is so intriguing. It does not look like a sketch was done and just painted on the fly. The repeated strokes are what gives the whole painting a unique look and sense of calm and action. Although it seems painting rooms has been overdone, this one stands out because of the window, and the fact that it takes up the center of attention. The only criticism I have is the way the curtains are painted. Maybe translucent was what Hillery was going for, but I think making them solid would have made the painting perfect. Marilyn Hillery was born in Kansas City, Kansas, but she was actually raised in Enid, Oklahoma. Later in life, she …show more content…

The window has a slanted design as well the bed furniture. The bed drawn is an example of form. The shading of the wooden parts and bed sheets imply a sense of three dimensions. The height, depth, and width can be easily measured in the piece of art. The painted bed has a mix of both organic and geometric form due how it’s painted. The texture used shows a feeling of roughness. The repeated strokes of the same and different colors also help in the illusion of three dimensions. Value is used throughout the piece. Light is being shined through the window, and the flooring has dark brown and light brown. The dark brown coloring represents darkness, and the light brown represent light being shined onto the flooring. The bed also follows this pattern. The dark white is darkness, and the lighter white is light being shined on. The colors used are mostly dull colors with white to counter the dull colors. Different hues of blue, brown, and even white are used. The colors used are green, black, white, brown, red, and

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