
Spaghetti Western Cultures In Sergio Leone's A Fistful Of Dollars

Decent Essays

The term Spaghetti Western became popular in the mid 60’s in which A Fistful of Dollars was released as the first film of a trilogy, but this was not Sergio Leone’s first western movie. Leone’s films were not of a typical American western that had been released in previous years, but instead a reaction or his own take of the Western frontier and through many aspects of his films we can see influences from Italian cinematic styles and approaches. This was an interesting time for the western film industry as John Wayne was sick with lung cancer and had a lung removed in 1964. Other notable stars in the Western genre were filming other productions and this was a perfect time for Leone to introduce his Western films from his approach. “Between 1950 and 1963 the production of Westerns in Hollywood had gone from 34 percent of all features released, to a mere 9 percent in 1963 from about 150 films to 15. As a result, Europeans began to produce their own westerns and in the process revitalized the old stories with distinctive elements and hybrid forms. (Frayling)” There was a demand or a void of these Italian films in America as many producers shifted their focus on television as that market was rapidly expanding in the United States. As a result of this we saw “Between 1962 and 1976 over 450 westerns were produced in Italy or involved Italian financial interest. (Frayling)”
One of the major aspects in which Sergio Leone subverts the conventions of the Classical Western film genre

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